Chapter Four

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"(y/n), darling, are you alright? You look a bit tired." Emily questioned.

Emily and I were eating breakfast by ourselves since we were the only ones up.

And of course, breakfast was another large buffet.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think I just stayed up a bit late." I replied.

"I see. Well, that's understandable. I sometimes find it hard to sleep at a new place on the first night." Emily said.

"Funny that you said that, because I heard that you're always on business trips." I said.

"It's true that I'm almost always on business trips. But that doesn't mean that I don't miss my own bed." Emily explained.

"Guess that makes sense."

"So, what're you going to do today?" Emily questioned.

"Well, I'm not sure. What all does this place have to offer?" I asked.

"There are many attractions to choose from. I thought about having you three go to a group for the kids and teenagers. Of course, it's divided in age groups, so you wouldn't get put with five-year-old kids." Emily explained.

"Depends on what activities the group does."

"From what I've heard they play games and go to the pool as a group, as well as build team-building skills and stuff like that." Emily explained.

"I guess that doesn't sound too bad. Though I'm not sure if Cameron would be up for that." I said.

Emily sighed.

"Guess you're right. But, as a mom, I need to do what's best for my children, which means... He's going to go!" Emily exclaimed.

... I can already tell that Cameron's going to hate this...


"A group for teens to hang out? Doesn't sound too bad to me." Damien said, after Emily had explained everything.

"Great. With (y/n) going, we just need to get Cameron to go." Emily said.

"I'm not going." Cameron said, who had just exited the bathroom.

His has was wet, so I can assume that he just showered.

He was wearing a grey t-shirt, black jeans, and white socks.

... Not much different from yesterday's outfit.

"Cameron, I'm not giving you an option." Emily sternly said.

Cameron sighed, as he walked to his bed, and grabbed his phone and headphones.

"If I'm going, I get to bring these things along with me." Cameron said as if he was the authority.

Emily sighed, as if she knew that this was the only way he'd go.

"Very well. I'll lead you to where you're supposed to go." Emily said, before leading the three of us to another building in the area.

... Surprised my dad isn't up yet...

... Maybe all the driving yesterday tired him out...?


We soon arrived at the place where it said 'Juniors and seniors meet here'.

"Guess this is where I take my leave. See you in a few hours." Emily said before leaving.

A Brawl Between Brothers (Yandere!Brother X Female!Reader X Yandere!Brother)Where stories live. Discover now