Twenty - Steven

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Ch20 - Steven

The days following the fire had been a nightmarish blur. Interviews; investigations; attempts to recover the body. Sarah's body. They still had not found her. The fire chief dolefully explained that the bedroom had been heavily damaged, and by the time the firefighters were able to enter it safely, not much had been spared. But they were still looking.

It wasn't fair. Sarah hadn't deserved to die that way. He couldn't stop himself from dwelling on her demise. Had she slept through it all, perhaps dying from smoke inhalation before the fire made its way into their room? He had hoped so. It was a more humane way to go. The thought of his lovely Sarah suffering - even in the slightest amount - was almost too much to take.

He had walked through the rubble of his fallen home, searching in vain for clues. Maybe she had made it out safely? Perhaps she was wandering disoriented in the woods? He knew these theories were possible, but not probable. It had been almost a week since the house had been destroyed. Even if she had made it out, where was she now? Brokenhearted, he resigned to the fact Sarah had perished in the blaze.

Now he had the unpleasant task of arranging her funeral.

He didn't know how he would get through it. He spent many restless nights lying awake in his hotel room, praying for the phone to ring, alerting him to the news that she had been found safe and unharmed. He knew the call would never come, but he couldn't help but hope that it would.

Sarah's showing had an impressive turn out. Gorgeous arrangements of flowers blossomed in every corner, spilling out into the hallways. The crowd paying their respects had mostly been acquaintances of Steven's, not Sarah's. But nonetheless, it was kind of them to show up.

Steven played the role of gracious host and bereaved widower very well, tearing up at just the right moments. "It's so sad," the grievers would whimper, "That such a happy couple's love story had ended in such tragedy."

We were so happy... So very happy...

Next to the elaborate - and very empty casket - a beautiful, enlarged portrait of Sarah had been displayed. It had been professionally photographed the year before and was one of Steven's favorites. Her long blonde hair, cascading in elegant waves over one shoulder, showcasing it's extreme length. He had always preferred her hair natural and worn very long. He knew she liked it best that way, as well. A couple of years ago, she'd had her hair cut above her breast, and after Steven explained to her how unfashionable it had looked, she'd conceded. Sarah had always been such an agreeable partner. God, how he missed her.

Steven benevolently stood near Sarah's portrait and accepted the well wishes of the funeral goers, when suddenly a female that he did not recognize approached him.

"Excuse me," the slender middle aged woman announced in a slight Irish accent, "You don't know me, but my name is Jamie Peterson. I was your wife's self defense instructor."

Steven narrowed his eyes at the red head in confusion. Before he could correct her unfortunate mistake - his delicate Sarah had never taken self defense classes - she continued.

"I wanted to extend my sympathy. I was very saddened to learn of Sarah's unfortunate passing. We all were. She was such a welcome addition to the class," she added, smiling softly, "And she had come such a long way in a short period of time! She really had been a determined student." She glanced at the portrait, shaking her head. "And very beautiful. She will be greatly missed." She lay a comforting hand on his forearm.

A cold sweat came over Steven, but he forced himself to remain composed. The woman obviously was speaking of Sarah. His Sarah, as she was staring at her photograph with unshed tears glistening in her eyes. "Thank you, Ms. Peterson. It is always nice to meet Sarah's friends," Steven said through gritted teeth. "I'm sorry - my mind is a blank right now. When did you say she took these self defense classes?"

Jamie Peterson turned away from the portrait with a surprised expression. "She's been taking them for the past couple of months. One hour, twice a week."

"Of course," he labored a small smile, "I do remember her mentioning it. If you will excuse me..."

"Certainly," she called after him. But he wasn't listening. He quickly made his way into a private bathroom, shutting the door tightly behind him.

What the hell was that? he silently screamed, pounding a tight fist into the white porcelain sink. What had Sarah been up to? She'd never mentioned any self defense course to him! And besides, he would have never allowed it. Had Sarah been keeping secrets? Impossible!

This was all so confusing!

His mind raced back to their last disagreement. Sarah had fought back that time, drawing blood, he remembered. He had been shocked by her spunk that evening. He hadn't admitted it to her, but it had almost been a turn on.

Did Sarah have other secrets? Steven racked his brain for anything else unusual that may have happened, but came up with nothing. Other than the fact she had been especially amenable as of late.

His agitation slowly faded, replaced by intense curiosity. Was there anything else he didn't know about his wife?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Thank you for reading The Secret! If you liked this chapter, I ask that you please consider leaving a vote or comment as it helps my story to reach more people! And please join me this Friday for the next chapter!

So, how do you think Steven will react to this new discovery?

I am dedicating this chapter to reader @NicollWilliams. She is so supportive of my story and I love reading her comments! Check out her profile and she what she's up to! :)

The Secret (Watty Award Winner) | ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin