Thirty Two - Talia

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Ch32 - Talia

The drive home had been entertaining, to say the least. Something was happening between them, she could feel it. She was drawn to Charlie, in spite of everything. He was so charming and friendly. And funny - he'd had her laughing so hard, she had tears streaming down her face! She hadn't expected, nor had she wanted, to be attracted to another man so soon after Steven, but here she was, enjoying herself with Charlie.

"Do you have a tissue?" she asked, wiping at her flushed cheeks. It had been a long time since she had laughed that hard.

"I have some napkins in the glove box."

She opened the small door and reached her hand inside, grasping for something to wipe her eyes. Instead of finding the napkins, her hand found something cold and hard. Wrapping her fingers around the foreign object, she pulled it out from it's secure location.

Talia paled, "A gun?" she asked, looking up at him with surprise. She held the lethal firearm limply in her hand, not sure what to do with it.

A look of concern flashed across Charlie's face and he swerved the truck to the side of the road. "I'm so sorry, Talia," he apologized. "I forgot to mention that it was in there." He took the gun from her hand and buried it back inside the small compartment. Pulling out a handful of napkins, he handed them over to her.

Quietly, Talia asked, "Why do you have a gun, Charlie?"

Charlie looked out the truck window at the marsh outside before turning back to face her. "I have a Concealed Weapons Permit," he said, taking a deep breath. "That gun is legal, I can promise you that."

"But why do you need it?" she asked again, nervously brushing the hair away from her face.

Charlie shrugged, "You never know what kind of trouble you might run into. I think of it as a method of safety. I hope I never need  to use it, but it's there if I do," he added.

"Is it loaded?"

"Absolutely not, I would never leave a loaded gun unattended."

Talia swallowed hard. She hadn't expected to find a deadly weapon in Charlie's truck, and it left her feeling unsettled.

Taking a cleansing breath, she made a decision. As creepy as it was to have the gun in such close proximity, she forced herself to push it out of her mind. How could she begrudge him a feeling of security? With her tumultuous past, she understood the innate desire to feel safe. She nodded her head at him, indicating she understood.

Charlie gave her a reassuring smile and pulled back onto the road. A few minutes later, they turned into her long driveway. Parking near the door, they got out of the truck and Charlie retrieved her bike from the bed.

"Would you like to come in for a beer?" she asked softly.

Charlie set the bike down and looked at her. "If you're certain you're comfortable with the idea." He was clearly surprised by the invitation. Talia didn't want things to be uneasy between them after her recent discovery. She wanted him to know that she didn't think any less of him. And she didn't - the gun was just an unexpected surprise, is all.

"Of course I'm comfortable, Charlie. I wouldn't ask you if I weren't."

Talia gave him a smile before leading the way up the porch steps. She pulled out her key and walked into the house. "Make yourself at home, I'll be right back."

Charlie wandered around the room, patiently waiting for her to return.  Picking up a small, purple MP3 Player, he turned it over in his hands and nearly dropped it when it turned on expectantly.

Talia laughed from the doorway, "It's very touchy."

"I guess so," he responded, setting the device down into the amplifier. Maroon Five came to life as she walked into the room. Handing him his drink, they sank into the plush cushions of the couch.

"So," Charlie began awkwardly, "It's been a busy week, huh?"

Talia took a sip of her beer and nodded, "I had no idea a small town Bed & Breakfast could be so active!"

Charlie laughed, "Oh yeah, it gets it's fair share of guests - and characters. But Mom wouldn't have it any other way. She's happiest when she's buried up to her eyeballs in chores."

"I've noticed that about her, she does seem awfully content working. I guess I can't blame her. She must be very proud of all that she has accomplished."

"That she is," he said, talking a long pull on his beer. "So, what did you do for a living before this - if you don't mind my asking?"

"I worked as a waitress," Talia responded, looking at the floor. It hadn't exactly been a lie, she had worked in a cafe while attending college.

"So, catering to other's needs must appeal to you?" he lightly teased.

She couldn't hide her smile, "I suppose so. When I was little, I wanted to be a nurse."

"Like your mom?" he asked, surprising her. She had forgotten that she'd mentioned that. It was the truth - her mom had been a nurse before she was...murdered. Talia had always hated the sound of that word. It felt so evil.

"Like my mom," she nodded. Taking another drink, she changed the subject, "Thank you for driving me home."

"You're welcome. Anytime. It's on my way, you know." He gave her a lopsided grin and she felt her stomach flip - in a pleasant way.

Suddenly, the soft melody of The Way You Look Tonight filled the quiet room. Charlie looked at Talia with raised eyebrows. "Tony Bennet?" he asked, clearly amused.

Talia felt a warm blush cover her cheeks. "It was my parents wedding song," she smiled sheepishly.

Charlie set his beer down and stood up from the couch. Reaching his hand out toward her, he asked, "Would it be weird if I asked you to dance with me?"

Talia inhaled sharply, caught off-guard. "Dance?" she asked, her heart racing in her chest. It felt as though it was the first time she'd ever heard the word before.

Charlie chuckled at her bashful response, "Yes - dance."

She thought for a moment and finally stood up, placing her hand in his.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Yay - finally Charlie and Talia are letting their feelings show!  *sigh*

Were you surprised by what Talia found in the glove-box?

Thank you for reading The Secret, I update every Tuesday and Friday! If you liked this chapter, please leave me a vote/comment.

And Tony Bennett's The Way You Look Tonight is playing in the media section, check it out! :)

This chapter is dedicated to reader @Maaddaboutreadiinngg, for always being so supportive and for reminding me when my chapters are due for an update.  ;) Thank you!

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