Chapter 4

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Jimin's POV

"Jagiya" I called Lenny while wearing my watch in front of her mirror.

"Yes, oppa?" She answered, peaking her head into her room.

"I'll be going out to check on my cafe for awhile. Can you wait for me at the park? I'll meet you there" I told her and she nodded her head.

"Okay. I'll wait for you at the park" She smiled at me, making me smile back at her.

I grabbed my phone and wallet, keeping it in my jeans pocket. I walked to her and planted a soft kiss on her forehead before pecking her lip.

"I'll be going now" I said, ruffling her hair gently before heading to the door.

"Bye. Be careful!" She beamed, waving at me.

"I will. Bye!" I replied before close the door behind me.

I walked down the stairs and headed to my car. I entered my car and started the engine before drove off to the cafe. I am stucked in the trafic today. I don't even know why there are too many cars this morning.

After a few minutes, finally I arrived at the cafe. I parked my car at the sidewalk before exited it and locked it. I entered the cafe to be greeted by the workers.

"Is everything good?" I asked one of them.

"Everything's good" He replied and I nodded my head.

"Okay then. Call me if anything goes wrong" I told them before walk out from the cafe, heading back to my car.

I entered the car and started the engine before heading to the park that I told Lenny to meet me. I were stucked in the traffic for quiet long before I got to the cafe. She must have been waiting a little long.

I parked my car as soon as I arrived at the park. I exited my car and locked it before walking around to find her.

As I walked around the park, a figure of a girl sitting on a bench caught my eyes. Her back was facing me. Her straight light-brown hair slowly blown by the wind.

"Found you" I beamed before creeping behind her slowly.

"Jagiya!" I beamed behind her, holding her shoulder to startle her.

"Ahh!" She shouted, her sandwich was flying off of her hand.

She turned around and our eyes met. Both of our eyes widened in shock.

"Shit. I'm so sorry!" I apologised to her as she was not Lenny. She is a stranger.

She was staring at me, eyes widened and mouth gaped opened. She wasn't even blinking her eyes. I waved my hand in front of her eyes but she still not blinking even once. I don't even know if she's breathing either.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, trying to snap her off from whatever she was thinking.

Her eyes blinked before her cheeks reddened in embarrassment, "I-I-I'm sorry".

"No, it's okay. I should be the one who is sorry" I said, "I'm so sorry for your sandwich".

"I-It's okay. I can buy a new one" She said, shrugging her head shyly.

"No. I'll buy you a new one" I told her, "Come. Let's buy you a new sandwich".

I gestured her to follow me and she smile shyly at me before following me from behind. I walked in front of her and she keeps on bumping onto my back. I tried to pick up my pace so that she wouldn't bump on me but she still did.

"I-I'm so sorry" She apologised again.

"It's okay" I gave her a smile, trying not to be rude to her.

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