Chapter 26 - Memories

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Blaze's POV

She narrowed her eyes at me. She was so cute when she was angry. I chuckled as I pulled my hands away from her cheek. But now I regretted kissing her. That day, when I learned that she is pregnant with James's child, I promised myself that I would stay away from her. But when I was beside her, I couldn't control myself. She owns my mind, my heart, my body, my soul. I just wanted to kiss her soft red lips. Taste her delicious lips. She drove me crazy. Just one look was enough for her to make me her slave. When she was close to me, I forgot about everything, even my anger.

We started walking. She was scowling. I couldn't hold myself and smiled at her expression.

Suddenly, it started raining heavily. We were walking for more than an hour now. But we couldn't find the way back to the house.

"Blaze, I can not walk anymore." Ashley pleaded, tired, leaning against the tree.

"We should find a shelter at least. It is getting dark." I said.

We couldn't stay in the open air, especially under rain. She could catch a cold.

I walked closer to her and scooped her up in my arms bridal style. She wrapped her arms around my neck without resisting.

After several minutes, I saw a cottage faraway.

"A cottage." I exclaimed.

She looked towards the same direction as I was looking at. I carried her towards the cottage.

I put her down on her feet carefully and knocked on the door. "Hey, is here anyone?"

There was no voice. When I pushed the door, it opened. It was unlocked.

"Come on." I placed my hand on her lower back.

We walked in. There was a table, chairs, a single bed, a fireplace, a stove and cupboards.

Ashley wrapped her arms around herself, trembling slightly. I looked for some clothes. We should change our clothes; we were drenched.

Finally, I found some towels, there wasn't anything else. I gave her a towel. She took it as she thanked me.

I put some woods into the fireplace and burnt them. I turned around, taking my clothes while she was also taking off her clothes.

I turned a little and looked at her. She was so beautiful. I missed her. Feeling her flawless body in my arms. Fuck! I felt my member hardened. I averted my gaze as I shook my head to get rid of this through. I wrapped the towel around my waist.

"You can turn around." I turned around as she said.

Ashley placed her clothes beside the fireplace, the towel wrapped around her body. I placed my clothes beside her clothes and sat beside her on the bed.

We were sitting without talking. Just rain was disturbing this silence.

I stood up and checked our clothes; they were dry now. I grabbed them and gave her the clothes.

After we put our clothes, I searched for some food in the cupboard, but there were just some crackers. I grabbed them and walked towards her. I handed her the crackers.

"Thank you." She said as she took the package. She opened it and ate one.

I sat beside her, leaning against the wall. She extended me the package. I took one as I gave her a smile.

She jolted in fear when we heard the sound of thunder. She closed her eyes shut. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as I pulled her into my embrace.

"Hey, don't be afraid. I am here." I muttered in her ear.

She buried her head into the crock of my neck, gripping my shirt tightly. I smiled at her reaction and started to stroke her hair, hugging her tightly.

We were laying on the bed, hugging each other, her head buried in the crock of my neck. Every time when we heard thunder, she jolted, snuggling up against my chest.

I held her in my arms tightly, breathing her heavenly scent. I missed these moments with her. I remembered our night in Aspen when it was raining outside. Her touches, our passionate kisses, her responses to my touches. Our unforgettable nights.

Ashley's POV

When I opened my eyes, it was already morning. The sun was shining through the window.

Blaze was sleeping peacefully, hugging me tightly from behind, his head buried in my hair. I leaned back as I closed my eyes, placing my hand on top of his hand on my stomach. I missed him so much. Being in his arms. I wanted to memorize this moment. I knew when we went back, nothing would be the same. Last night was like a gateway for us. But as the sun rose, the magic faded.

I woke up to noises. The door opened. We sat up quickly. It was Patricia. She was looking at us. I bit my lower lip, embarrassed, my cheeks flushed. Blaze rubbed his eyes sleepily. He didn't wake up fully.

"Yes, they are here." She said to someone.

Blaze stood up, running his hand through his hair. She looked at Blaze angrily. James and George walked in. I stood up as James approached me and hugged me.

"Are you fine? I was worried." He asked anxiously.

"Yeah, I am." I muttered as I pulled away and looked at Blaze. He was not looking at us, his face darkened.

"Why didn't you call us?" James asked.

"I forgot to take my phone with me when I left the house." I mumbled.

"Both of you?" James asked curiously, looking at Blaze.

"There was no signal in my phone." Blaze answered, bored.

"Yeah, there are some places where you can not get a signal." George added.

"Ok, let's go back." Patricia suggested.

Blaze walked out quickly without waiting for us. James wrapped his arm around my shoulder as he headed us out. There were a few securities in front of the cottage too.

When we arrived, I went to take a shower. I took off my clothes and walked into the shower cabin. I turned on the water and closed my eyes under the warm water, thinking about Blaze. His caring attitude towards me in the cottage.

I turned off the water and wrapped the towel around me as I stepped out. After drying my body, I put a white blouse and blue denim jeans on. Then I dried my hair.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

James walked in, holding a tray in his hands.

"I brought you something to eat." He gave me a warm smile.

"Thank you." I muttered.

After eating, I placed the tray on the bedside table. James was sitting beside me on the bed, staring at me nervously.

"Ashley....I want to tell you something." He said, looking at me nervously. I looked at him attentively.

He took my hand in his hands as he said. "I love you, Ashley." He gave me a shy smile, looking into my eyes.

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