Chapter 43 - Unsolved problems

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Ashley's POV

I gulped as my cheeks turned crimson red. I averted my eyes and started playing with my fingers nervously.

"Did you know about it?" He asked.

He placed his thumb under my chin and lifted my head, letting our eyes meet. His eyebrow rose as he gave me a questioning look.

I bit my lower lip nervously as I nodded.

"But he told me about it later. I haven't known about it since the beginning of this fake marriage. Otherwise, I would never accept it. I always see him as my friend, nothing more." I explained.

He placed his hand on my cheek and stroked it." I know,baby." He gave me a reassuring smile as he kissed my forehead.

I woke up to Aspen's cry. James had not come back. I got up and put my white silk robe on. I went to his room.

"My boy." I cooed him as I took him in my arms. I put a tender kiss on his forehead as I caressed his hair gently. He leaned his head on my chest, sobbing.

"Good morning." Blaze greeted me as he walked in.

"Morning." I greeted him back.

He walked closer to us and kissed my lips softly. He gave me a bright smile. I smiled at him back.

"Hey." He said to Aspen as he took him in his arms and kissed his cheek.

"Did you talk to James today?" I asked, concerned.

His expression hardened and he shook his head,stroking Aspen's back gently. I sighed.

"Everything will be fine." He gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded, unconvinced.

"Could you stay with Aspen? I need to change my clothes." I asked.

"Of course." He replied as he kissed Aspen's chubby cheek.

After getting ready, I went downstairs. I smiled happily as I saw Blaze and Aspen playing in the living room. They looked so cute.

"Good morning, Ashley." Patricia greeted me. George greeted me with a nod. I greeted them back.

Blaze turned towards me as he gave me a warm smile. Aspen started crying. He must be hungry.

"He is hungry. I will feed him." I said as I approached them.

Blaze kissed his forehead and gave me Aspen.

He whispered in my ear before pulling back. "I am hungry too." He winked at me mischievously. I flushed, biting my lower lip.

Aspen fell asleep as soon as I placed him in his crib. I stroked his hair and left his room.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the screen. It was my father.

"Dad, good morning...."

"Where is your husband?" He interrupted me as he snapped.

"He is not home. What..."

"I know. The whole country knows as well,excluding you." He said angrily.

I didn't understand what he was talking about. Why is he angry?

"Dad,what happened?" I asked anxiously.

"Didn't you see the magazines? Your lovely husband in all magazines with some slut." He snapped.

"What?" I asked, puzzled.

"Look at the news. You will see with your own eyes. See who is your lovely husband who you chose over your own parents." He said, offended.

"Dad, I didn't choose him over you. I love you and Mom." I said.

"Whatever. But he has to give me a good explanation." He said and hung up.

Damn it!

I was bored of all these problems. Every day, a new problem.

I searched the news on the Internet. There were photos of James with a brunette girl at the nightclub. His arm wrapped around her. They were talking,but they looked so intimate like they were together.

I sighed and called Blaze.

"Baby." He said cheerfully as he picked up.

"Blaze, we have a problem." I sighed as I continued. "James is in the magazines with a girl. My father saw the photos. He called me; he was frustrated. If he talks to James, I am afraid James will tell him the truth." I said nervously.

"Shit!" He hissed. "Ok, baby. I will try to reach him before your father." He said.

"Blaze, please do something." I pleaded.

"Don't worry. I will call you later." He said and hung up.


My parents came to the mansion. They were waiting for James. My father was still furious.

I was so nervous. Blaze tried to reach James, but he didn't pick up his calls. We didn't know where he was.

The doorbell hummed. The housekeeper went to open the door. I gave Blaze a nervous look.

James walked in. When he saw my parents, he looked surprised.

"Finally!" My father snapped, giving James a death glare.

"How dare you cheat on my daughter?! You bastard!" My father barked.

James looked at him indifferent as he put his hands into his pockets. I bit my lower lip nervously. My heart was beating faster.

James gave me a cold glare as he traveled his gaze from me to my father and said. "It is between Ashley and me. Don't intervene!"

"James!" George warned him.

"How dare you?!" My father hissed. His face turned red with anger.

"She is my wife." James gave me a sarcastic look as he continued. "If there is a problem, we will handle it ourselves as adults. We don't need anyone else for this." He said nonchalantly and left, slamming the door behind him.

"Look! How disrespectful your son is!" My father snapped at George.

He sighed and said. "I apologize for his behavior. He didn't look like himself." He gave me an apologetic look.

"That's enough! Ashley, pack your stuff. You and Aspen aren't staying here for a second. I will not let some prick disrespect my daughter." My father said firmly.


"Please, Mark. Don't make a sudden decision. We need to calm down before making decisions. I am sure, he did nothing to hurt Ashley's feelings. He isn't like this." George said, trying to convince my father.

"Dad, I agree with George. I need to talk to him before making a decision." I commented.

My father gave me a furious look as he barked. "Are you blind with your love?! What is going on with you, Ashley?!"

"Please, Dad." I gave him a begging look.

I knew it was hard for him to understand it without knowing the truth, but I could not tell him the truth now.

"Do what you want, Ashley! But from now, you are not my daughter anymore." He snapped at me.

"Mark!" My mother warned him.

"We are going. Now!" He snapped and left, dragging my mother out with him.

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