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"Give up, Brandon Hunter. You're damn helpless!" There were three men surrounding Brandon and Darren. What on earth is happening?!

Darren looks badly beaten up. He had wounds and blood all over his torn up shirt. Brandon looked just as bad and the worst of all, there's a fucking gun pointed at his temple.

"Shoot me. You'll never beat me." Brandon just keeps on provoking the man that can kill him in any second.

"Surrender!" The man went for a roundhouse kick but Darren caught his leg.

"A NightWalker will never surrender."

Are you shitting me, universe? I continued listening to their heated up arguments. All of them kept on making demands to Brandon. They wanted him out of his rank.

"Thirty seconds, Hunter or a bullet will go straight to that thick skull of yours!" The guy growled.

This was the first time that I've seen Brandon and Darren in a defenseless position. Yes, I've witnessed some of their fights before.

"25 seconds."

I have to do something! I know one rule, "Never get involved in gang business." Should I make a move?

"15 seconds."

Time was running out. I'm sure as hell not going to watch anyone die!

"10 seconds, Brandon."

Do I save them? Lord, help me, please!


I held my bow.


I pulled out my arrow.


I aimed directly at him.


Breathe, Cassidy. Do the right thing.


I let go of the arrow. To finish what I started, I took two more arrows and aimed at the two other men.

I saved your life, Brandon Hunter...

- - - - - - - - - -

Everything else that happened that day seemed so surreal. Brandon and Darren surely looked damned but I made sure that the arrows I shot won't kill the three people. I'm not a murderer.

Now, I'm in school and I notice that the whole gang has been non-existent for the past three days. Lucky for me, I only have two more days left before the stupid punishments are free.

"Hey, emo, what's with the rumors?" I turned around and see Khloe Hamilton looking at me as if she wants to kill me.

Do I stand up and leave, pretending she never said anything? Yeah, maybe I should.

I stood up beginning to walk when I felt a hand grabbing my arm. She did not just touch me! "We're not yet done talking, bitch."

I glared at her and rolled my eyes. I don't want to get myself in trouble but she keeps on being in my way. This cheerleader wants a fight.

"Move," I said with a pissed tone.

She laughed then suddenly, the whole cheer squad is watching us. How great!

"You're a gang asset now?" Girl don't get on my nerves. I might lose it if she doesn't stop right now.

"I'm no one's asset." Then, I walked away. This time, she pulled me by my sweater, making me fall on the floor. Everyone's laughing their asses off.

"You see, I don't like anyone touching what's mine. So, let this be your warning, whore." She did take me off guard, I landed on my wrists and I think I kinda sprained it.

"No one's yours, Hamilton," A deep husky voice said. Then, someone helped me stand up. His scent fills my nose and I knew exactly who he is.

I turned around and face him. Brandon Hunter.

"Hey, babes, I miss you!" Khloe swayed his hips while walking towards Darren. Yep, the one who just called me a whore.

"In your dreams, Hamilton," Gabriel laughed before all the boys started walking out of the building.

"You're coming with me," Brandon whispered, making me shudder.

What? No!

I hesitated but then he reminded me of my last strike so I followed them. That's when I realize that they might be kidnapping me. They motioned for me to get into the car.

"I don't know where you're taking me." They all shot each other with creepy stares before I felt Brandon's hands cover my mouth and nose with a cloth.

You have got to be kidding me!

I tried my best not to breathe and resist his hold but his muscular arms are giving me a tight grip. Then unconsciousness started affecting me.

The last thing I saw were black dots.

- - - - - - - - - -

I woke up with the feeling of nausea. I blinked my eyes, adjusting to the light of the single light bulb in the room.

Everything else was dark. I wanted to stretch my limbs but then I remembered everything.

Khloe Hamilton. Nightwalker gang. Brandon Hunter. Cloth. Unconsciousness.

What the hell.

I've been kidnapped! I need to get out of here but I'm currently tied on a chair. This is it, this is how I'm going to die, in the hands of a gang.

One thing you don't do is scream. I remained silent trying to calm myself. I looked around to see if I could use anything to free my wrists.

Ouch! My wrists are still burning from my fall and the tightness of these ropes. Think, Cassidy! Think!

Then, the door opened. I looked to see who it was. My vision cleared and realized, it was they. The NightWalker gang kidnapped me.

"What do you want from me!" I screamed. Nome of them didn't even flinch from the ear-piercing scream I did.

Brandon stepped forward, he was holding something that I'm not familiar with. Wait, why the fuck is he holding a whip!?

"Don't play innocent, emo. You work for a gang." The hell is this man talking about?

Everyone was waiting for my answers. Why would he even think that I'm in a gang? What the hell!

"Is this one of your games, Hunter? What gang do you mean?" All their looks turned into confusion. Yeah, just like how confused I am right

"Who sent you to shoot them?"

Shit. How does he know I shot them?

I'll play dumb and let's see if it will get me out of here.

"Shoot who?" Clearly, he's not buying it. Then, he whipped my thighs, that fucking stings!

"We can play all day, emo but I'm going to win."

Why doesn't he believe me? This isn't the Brandon Hunter I used to know anymore.

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