Chapter fourteen

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The next morning Adelaie was still atop the wall. She hadn't slept, yet she did not feel tired. It was the first time she'd watch the sun rise from the wall, and she wished she could have seen it in less grim times. As time went by, she noticed a figure walking from the gates of the wall. It was Jon. Adelaie tilted her body to the left, and let herself fall from the wall. She glided down to Jon, and landed just behind him. Jon turned to her, and tried to shoo her off, as if she was a dog.

Adelaie huffed, and pushed Jon forward. since she was massive, he was lifted off the ground momentarily, and he glared at her. Jon gave up pretty quickly. As they walked, he cautiously looked at each body they passed,

"You're going to have to burn them." He told her. She let out a huff, yet did not protest. When they got to the tree line, Adelaie was too big to follow Jon, she needed to be smaller.

Jon did not wait for her, but when he turned, he watched her shrink down to the size of a war horse. Adelaie did not follow him though, instead, she went up into the trees above him. Jon kept walking, While Adelaie stalked him from above.

What was unnerving to Jon is that he could not hear a thing... not even her. She could barely be seen, even when she glided from tree to tree. It was only when he walked into the camp did he hear noises. Sharpening of weapons, shuffling of people and barks of dogs. None knew of the monster that watched them from above.

Jon raised his hands in surrender, and let the Wildlings take him to Mance. Adelaie was never seen, even if her skin was while as snow, and she hid in the trees, she made sure that if Jon needed her, she would have the element of surprise.

"You're wearing a black cloak again." Mance spoke, looking Jon up and down,

"I've been sent to negotiate with you." Jon replied. Mance didn't speak for a moment, instead, he stepped to the side to let Jon walk into his tent before following him. Jon never looked back, and as soon she was in the tent, Adelaie did not move. The first time she had shifted, she felt something animalistic awaken, and now, it had grown. She wasn't sure what it was, but it made her feel more powerful than she ever had. She needed to change back to her human form soon. She needed food, and rest.

They were in the tent for what felt like hours, but Adelaie never moved. She did not dare to. Not until a horn blew through the camp. Men and women began to bustle, quickly grabbing weapons and moving to defend themselves. Adelaie prepared herself to fall to the ground, but her eyes caught Jon's who shook his head. They still had the element of surprise.

So, she stayed, and watched as horses with men rode through, slashing down Wildling after Wildling. She watched as Mance through his sword into the dirt, and commanded his army to stand down. They were being slaughtered, and that was all he could do, "I think my people have bled enough." He finished, looking at Jon, "and I meant it."

Through the smoke came a small party. She instantly recognised the banner, a stag amongst a burning heart. It was Stannis. Him and his men dismounted their horses, and walked over to Mance and Jon and the Wildlings around them. Stannis's men had their swords drawn. They were ready for an attack, but if they tried anything, they would have a difficult time killing her.

Mance pulled out two of his daggers, and threw them to the ground. He knew when to pick a fight, a trait that seldom men had.

"You're the king beyond the wall?" Stannis questioned. Mance nodded in return, "Do you know who I am?"

"Never had the pleasure."

"This is Stannis Baratheon, the one true king of the seven kingdoms." A man to his right spoke,

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