Chapter Forty Four

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"Miss, I'm so excited!"

"So am I."

It's the first time I'm traveling to a new place as I've only been in my hometown, the Western Border and my current residence, the Imperial Capital.

Peeking through the small window, I was amused by the vast plains, sweeping landmass that seemed to go for miles. There were barely trees but the tall grasses unrolled in the expansive space like a green sea. Unlike the Western Border that was made out of ranges of mountains, the Southern Border was an endless flatland.

"Miss, would you like to rest? We wouldn't arrive until tomorrow afternoon." Xiao Yu reminded me.

"You should nap first. I'll rest in a bit." I answered, my eyes was still glued to the moving scenery outside.

Yesterday, Chen Mu told us to pack up as we're going on a vacation at the Mo Manor in the Southern Border. Prince Mo Li, Chen Mu's cousin, sent me an invitation back then but because I was kidnapped, we weren't able to go nor send gifts.

According to the information I have gathered from asking around the Chen Manor, Prince Mo Li has a close relationship with Chen Mu. He used to stay in the Imperial Capital but went back to the Southern Border when his father died.

Chen Mu made us travel first as he still has something to do in the Imperial Capital and will follow the next day after. He commissioned twelve guards, four servants and shadow guards to accompany me through the journey.

Our carriage came to a halt when we neared a small town as darkness started to swallow the sun. The town only has a few stores and one decent inn where we decided to spend the night. I had a room to myself and Xiao Yu shared another room with the other servants. The guards were assigned outside the rooms and though I couldn't see the shadow guards, I know that they were hiding somewhere in the shadows in my room.

"Shadow guards?" I tried to call out to them, seeing if they would show themselves to me.

No answer.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourselves to me or something?" I tried once again.

Still no answer.

Fine, I'll find you then.

I walked around the room, carefully searching every nook and cranny for the infamous shadow guards. I peered inside the closet, peeped under the bed and even peeked outside the window for the possibility that they maybe clinging on the grills but to my disappoint, I haven't seen at least one of them.

Where are they hiding then?

Rolling my eyes, I gave up, "fine, don't show yourselves. It's not like we're playing hide and seek."

A knock came before my door opened revealing a grinning Xiao Yu, "Miss, would you like to eat with us downstairs or would you want me to bring your food to your room."

"Let's go downstairs." I said and followed Xiao Yu down the stairs and into the inn's dining hall.

The innkeeper was very generous as she prepared a small feast in the table. She doesn't know who I was but she knew I was someone of importance with my big entourage.

"Miss, I hope you would enjoy the meal I prepared though they weren't grand." The innkeeper humbly smiled and I thanked her. I reminded Xiao Yu to add up several taels to our payment before leaving.

There were different dishes present, mostly food I haven't seen before but they look so delicious and tempting. We all dig in and was very satisfied with the meal.

After eating, Xiao Yu walked me to my room, helped me wash up and change before bidding me good night.

As I was about to lie on my bed, I noticed a piece of paper underneath the blanket. I took it and read its content.

"Find me."

"Find who?" I muttered to myself. I looked around me and saw nothing amiss and if something was wrong, the shadow guards would have taken care of it.

Shrugging, I crumpled the paper and tossed it on top of the table.

It probably was left by the last costumer.

I closed my eyes and was ready to sleep when I heard a moving noise inside the room. My eyes quickly opened and cautiously scanned my surroundings.

"What was that?"


I once again closed my eyes. Then there was that scratching sound. I quickly stood up from the bed and took the lit gas lamp on the bedside drawer.

The noise was coming from the closet on the corner of the room. I checked it earlier and there was nothing inside it except for an extra sheet of bed cover and pillows. I'm sure no human adult would fit in there, too. Maybe a cat? Or a rat?

My curiousity won't let me rest so I walked towards the closet with tiny steps, making sure not to create any sound. With my trembling hands, I courageously opened the closet and took a quick step backwards, afraid that something might jump out.

I sighed in relief when I saw nothing inside it.

Wow, that felt like a scene in a horror movie.

I must be so tired that my brain is making imaginary sounds.

I turned back and was met by a man looming over me. My screams of fright were muffled when the man lunged into my mouth with his. My eyes widened in shock and pushed whoever the brazen man was.

"Wasn't that fun?" A familiar voice said, snickering at my reaction.

"Chen Mu, you bastard!" I glared at him and hit his chest with my balled fist. I stomped back to my bed and crossed my arms over my chest.

He laughed, finding humor in scaring the frickitty frack out of me.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to surprise you." He kneeled in front of me and rested his hands on top of my knees while peering upwards at my face.

"Well, congratulations. You succeeded!" I snorted and slapped his hands away, "What are you doing here anyways? I thought you'd follow us tomorrow?"

"I've brought someone with me." Chen Mu smiled.



Someone? I wonder who it is...

"Where is this person?" I prodded.

"Riu had him tied downstairs."

"Tied?!" I gasped loudly.

"Madam, is everything alright?" The guard asked outside hearing the commotion coming from my room. I clasped my hands over my mouth to cover my gaping mouth. Chen Mu gestured for me not to announce his presence.

"Yes!" I responded.

"I'll see you at the Mo Manor." Chen Mu whispered to me and pecked my lips with a kiss. He handed me something wrapped in brown paper and before I could even speak, he leaped out of the window. I pouted as I gazed at his leaving back, disappearing in the shadow of the night.

I can't wait for tomorrow so we could arrive at the Mo Manor earlier. Chen Mu has an explaining to do.

I went back to my bed and opened the brown paper. My cheeks heated up looking at the book in my hands.

Book one.

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