Chapter Forty Eight 1/2

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"What exactly are we doing?" Prince Mo Li asked as he leaned towards me.

I gestured for him to quiet down by glaring at him. He nodded in understanding and narrowed his eyes on the spot where I was looking at.

"What are you looking at?" He questioned once again, leaning closer, his hand finding comfort in my hips.

I pushed him back to give us some distance and gave him a scowl. He raised his hands up in surrender as his expression changed to that of a mistreated puppy.

"Here she comes..." I whispered with excitement on my face as Xiao Yu entered the courtyard.

"Miss?" She gazed her eyes over the place looking for me.

I pushed Prince Mo Li flat to the wall beside me as to hide from Xiao Yu's lingering eyes.

Earlier, I dragged Prince Mo Li out of his study room so he can come and accompany me with my cupid duty, hiding in a narrow corner hidden by a tree while waiting for my two lovebirds to appear. Since Prince Mo Li took more than half of Riu's time, I willingly eliminated him from the situation. Now, Xiao Yu will have a chance to know Riu better.

"Miss?" With a creased forehead, Xiao Yu called for me, craning her neck to find me in the vast courtyard.

"Are we playing hide and seek?" Prince Mo Li chuckled and Xiao Yu seemed to notice us as I saw her cautiously making her way towards are hiding spot. I elbowed Prince Mo Li to stop him from making further obvious noises. Luck was on our side as Riu appeared and Xiao Yu instantly forgot about us as she tried to straighten her clothes.

"Just pretend that we are. Now, be steady and don't make any sound." I warned as him as I focused back to the unfolding scene in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" Xiao Yu asked in a shy manner, her hands behind her back.

"Prince Mo Li had me buy a paper for him. When I went back to his study room, he wasn't there. The maids told me they saw him in Madam's courtyard." Riu explained with a stoic face, reminded me of Chen Mu's expressionless face.

Like master, like subordinate.

Prince Mo Li closed in once again as he whispered, "They don't look good together and they won't be together as well"

I turned to face him, "Why did you say so?"

"Riu is a shadow guard." Prince Mo Li stated like it was a huge revelation.

Well, I'm perfectly aware of that.


"Shadow guards don't do romance."


"Riu will not and can not marry." Prince Mo Li shrugged.

"Of course he can!" I unconsciously raised my voice and took a step backward. I stepped on a tree root and lost my balance.

Prince Mo Li quickly held me around my waist and covered my mouth with his hands.

"Prince Mo Li, let go of Madam." Riu spoke holding a sword near Prince Mo Li's neck.

Prince Mo Li sighed as he helped me stand up and backed away to distance himself away from me.

"Riu, do you know that threatening a royal's life is punishable by death?" Prince Mo Li said as he pushed away Riu's sword with his finger. Riu returned his sword back to the sheath hanging on his side and bowed.

"Prince Mo Li, I am only allowed death by my master." Riu said before disappearing.

"That fellow is so uptight, just like his master," Prince Mo Li clicked his tongue then looked at me, "Princess, your matchmaking will not work."

"Miss!" Xiao Yu hurried to my side. She was confused about what happened in the last few minutes but didn't dare voice out her confusion with Prince Mo Li with us.

"Xiao Yu, bring us mint tea and sweet cookies." I instructed Xiao Yu. She bowed her head and went on her way.

"Why can't Riu marry?" I asked Prince Mo Li once Xiao Yu was out of the courtyard.

Prince Mo Li leisurely made his way towards the stone bench and sat on it. He patted the empty space near him, telling me to come sit beside him. I did.

"As a shadow guard, Riu is not allowed to have any connection with anyone except his master. He lives for his master, he dies for his master." Prince Mo Li explained.

"Shadow guards are not normal people. They don't grow up with a family, they grow up with their trainers before given to their masters. To them, their master is the law, their master is the truth, their master is a god. Their own feelings and perception are inclined to their master. They can't think for their own, they just follow whatever their master says." Prince Mo Li added.

I suddenly feel bad for the shadow guards, especially Riu. Their lives are not as impressive as I thought it would be.

So there's no chance for Xiao Yu and Riu?

"They're not given any choice?" I was hopeful.

"They are. Before serving a master, as they can only serve one, the trainers would let them choose. Whether they would accept their destiny or not. If yes, then they will be shadow guards. If not, they can return to society but only after cutting their tongue." Prince Mo Li smiled while I gasped in horror.

"Such is a reality in our world." He said as he flicked my forehead to bring me out of my dazed state.

"Do you know how Chen Mu met Riu?" I prodded Prince Mo Li as my curiosity was growing bigger.

"I gifted him Riu," Prince Mo Li revealed then pouted, "And now, Riu won't even let me embrace him."

"You told me shadow guards only have one master..."

"Oh, I think you misunderstood. I was not Riu's past master. I was his trainer." Prince Mo Li laughed.

"You?" I laughed as well, not believing Prince Mo Li's words. He can't even protect himself from Riu, so how can he even train shadow guards?

"Princess Bai Fan, it seems like you don't trust my words?" Prince Mo Li raised his brows in humor.

I clutched my stomach in laughter remembering how Riu easily swooped Prince Mo Li over his shoulders like a sack of potato.

Of course, I naturally won't believe you.

"Let me summon Riu and we'll hear from him." Prince Mo Li offered.

"Sure." I nodded.

"But to make it more interesting, let's add a bet!" Prince Mo Li delightedly challenged me.

"Why not?" I said, not backing down.

"If I was lying, then I'll owe you a favor. If not, you owe me a favor. Deal?" Prince Mo Li extended his hand and I shook it.

"Riu! Come here!" Prince Mo Li called.

No answer.


Still no answer.

"Will you let me try it?" I said.

Prince Mo Li nodded.

"Riu, show yourself." I said in a light voice.

Just then, Riu appeared in front of me with a knee on the ground.

"Riu, how dare you ignore your beloved trainer!" Prince Mo Li berated Riu who seemed to ignore the sole existence of the babbling prince.

"Riu, does Prince Mo Li speak the truth? Is he truly your trainer?" I nudged him.

"Yes Madam." Riu confirmed.

"I told you! Now you owe me!" Prince Mo Li boasted in celebratory jumps as I grimaced in defeat.

Now, what would Prince Mo Li ask of me?

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