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Well folks, this is it:( Please, enjoy!!! xoxo.


Nate grips my hand tighter as we make our way through the airport.

People rush around us, running to catch their planes while Nate and I are clearly hesitant in leaving each other's sight. The clear sound of last calls ring through the vast area, setting the deep tendrils of dread to cling on tightly.

These past months with Nate only set me up for more sorrow as the ticking time bomb known as the future krept up like a ghost lurking amongst the living. We have spent every waking moment together and the thought of being seperated for a single second hurts more than I would like to dwell on.

"Maybe I could stay another week," Nate suggests, looking around the airport as if someone would agree with him and that would make it settled. "We still haven't gotten to that circus movie you wanted to go to. There's still time."

"Nathaniel," I say with a smile because the thought of spending more time with him is tempting. "Your summer program starts on Monday. There isn't anymore time."

"That's still in threeish days. Let's go. We can make the seven o'clock matinee if we beat traffic."

He stops us at the gate and waves to his family as Lucy cries proud tears into her husband's shirt. She is crying more today than she had at graduation, which is saying something because the woman sure loves her son.

Nate had pullen on my hand before I had a choice to stay back with them which I am thankful for because that gives me more time alone with him and I have never handled Lucy Haynes' tears very well. I think he did so because of just this but mostly I think he figured I wouldn't talk him out of staying.

I really want him to stay.

"You're going to miss your flight, Rocketman." I reach up and straighten his collar, placing my hands over his chest to steady myself as I lean forward and breathe him in.

I'll miss the clean smell of him that wafts through my sense any time he is near. I'll miss his hand clutching mine, trailing his figures over my skin innocently whenever we are close. The feeling so intimate as the electrical sparks ignited and fused us together.

I'll miss Nate's dry humor and the way he simply smiles at me when I try to reciprocate his jokes only to laugh along with me when I fail miserably. He's just too smart for his own good.

I'll miss his laugh, his touch, his kisses. Him.

But I can't be selfish. He has to go to Washington, D.C for the summer and I have to go to Dartmouth in the fall. Though spending a summer without him will surely hallow a hole in my chest, it will set us up for how the next four or more years will go with Nate in Kansas City and me in New Hampshire.

"You'll come up to visit in two weeks, right?" Nate persists. Panic smothers his eyes and that starts to make me tense but I know I have to be strong.

"Yes," I assure him even though his parents had told him that he shouldn't get distracted from his research. But we've never let anyone keep us apart, so why start now? "I'll be there in 335 hours and 59 seconds." I tilt my face up towards his.

"Counting every second." He bends down and connects his mouth to mine, kissing me deeply and soundly. My heart clenches once more and I pull him as close to me as possible.

My tongue instantly darts out to skim across his bottom lip and my blood sizzles when his meets mine for dominance. The sizzling and popping turns to singing in my ears and my fingers weave themselves in his hair that he has been cut short again. I miss the curls but this way reminds me of the beginning.

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