Adventure 2

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"I am not dreaming, right?....I really became a girl....It feels weird. I think it's due to the drugs.. What are they?...." Midoriya starts mumbling. 

"You are still doing that after all this." Aizawa enters the room followed by All Might and his mother.

"Izuku" Inko cries and hugs Midoriya.

"I am sorry for worrying you mom."

"It's okay. The thing that you are fine now is enough." Inko releases Midoriya.

"By the way , what happened to me?" Izuku questions.

"This..." Aizawa about to say something but interrupted by All Might

"Let me do the explaining and I also want to talk somethings personal."

Aizawa and Inko, although don't know the reason but believed in All Might.

"Midoriya you will be discharged in the evening. We already finished the necessary procedures. So you can come to school from tomorrow."

"Take care, Izuku. I will come pick you up in the evening."

Midoriya sees them off and turns towards All Might who has a serious look on his face.

"How are the others?"

"Is that  the first question you ask after waking up and changed into a girl?"

"heh" Midoriya laughs

"They are fine. At least a lot better than you they were discharged three days ago."

"So, how many days was I unconscious?" she asks

"For a week and....... the's permanent." All Might speaks in a depressed tone filled with guilt and regret.

"Oh! So I stay like this for the rest of my life, huh. How did it happen?"

"It's the drugs. We don't know its composition yet. It seem to act only when one tries to use their quirk, so the other heroes are safe. On the other hand you forcefully used your quirk and even got shot by several of them. Out of them some were not fully prepared yet so they acted in a different way. But the main factor is One for all, it was not suppressed by the drug and acted against it thereby causing this." All Might explains.

"That's a lot of coincidence. So nothing happened to One for all,right?" Midoriya asks


"So how many people know about this?"

"Only the management of UA and your mother. But that won't be the case for too long."

"I didn't get you "  Midoriya replies in confusion.

"It's better to show you." All Might goes towards the television and switches it on.

A news channel showing his battle appears.

"The battle that took place one week ago is still the trending topic in the country. The hero Deku, a UA first year student named Midoriya Izuku has fought an incredible battle putting his life on line for saving others. This has stirred a lot of critics across the country."

The battle scenes which were caught in the camera were playing.

"You became really popular." All Might says hiding his pride.


The news continues

"So what do you think about this battle?" A news reporter asks the people near by who saw the fight live.

"It was really awesome. He is super strong."

"We have our next symbol of peace ready."

"He saved my child. I am very thankful to him. Hope he gets better soon."

"He is a true hero and he will soon be No 1"

Midoriya remembers his childhood

"You can't become a hero."

"I am sorry,Izuku"

Midoriya starts to cry out of happiness.

All might comes in front of her.

"Midoriya, my boy....sorry my girl, you are a hero now."

The news continues

"It seems Deku is currently in XXXX hospital recovering from his injuries, everyone is hoping to see him back in action. But we still haven't received any word from the hospital on his condition all we know is that he is alive. So many people are now waiting near the hospital to meet him. We wish he recovers soon."

"Now I get what you are talking All Might." Midoriya sighs.

"Don't worry. There is always a backdoor" All Might says and both of them start laughing.


Aizawa enters the class.

" Sensei" almost everyone shout in unison except Bakugo and Todoroki.

"Keep quiet. I know." Aizawa orders.

"Midoriya is all right. He...argh..she.....let's leave it. Midoriya will come to school from tomorrow. Leave it at that."


Midoriya and her mom leave the hospital from the backdoor. 

"It is pretty hectic near the entrance." Midoriya watches as her mother drives her home.

"Izuku dear, you......are you okay?"

"Yes, Why mom?" 

"You seem rather relaxed about all this."

" That...." a smile makes its way onto her face "I think male or female doesn't matter, I am still me, the same old Midoriya."

Inko also smiles and ruffles Izuku's hair "Look at you...growing so much. I guess I am a little happy too. I always wanted a daughter. We can try out new outfits and many other WOMANLY things." Inko says in a playful mood.

"Mom" Midoriya says while pouting. Now that Midoriya is a girl and beautiful on top of that one can imagine how cute she is right now.

"Cuteeee" Inko says while squealing and stretching Midoriya's cheeks.

"Mom, seriously stop it." Midoriya nags while Inko giggles.

At that time neither the mother nor the daughter realized that her change would affect many lives including that of top heroes and dangerous villains with a weapon called Love.


Hi,guys sorry for the small chapter but I think they are more effective. Comment which one do you prefer- small and regular or large and irregular.

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