Adventure 13

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"They just grabbed my chest."


Bakugo and Todoroki could feel the killing intent aimed at them from every direction. They look around striving to find a way to run for their lives but alas, they find themselves surrounded. In a matter of seconds, their classmates and even All Might and Aizawa encircle them in speeds they were never capable of.

Midoriya begins to realize the weight of her words as everyone make fists.

To the top pair, it felt like they are in the middle of a war zone with monsters filled with bloodlust. Everyone seemed more dangerous than all the villains they have ever faced.

Even the weak and scrawny All Might switches into his muscle form with ease.

"Shall we crush them or strangle them?" Uraraka unleashes her demon.

"We can electrocute them or torture them too. I will provide the materials." Momo comes up with new ideas.

"Wait" Midoriya tries to convince them otherwise.

"They just fondled them for a moment."

Bakugo and Todoroki facepalm not knowing whether she is doing it knowingly or unknowingly.

"You dumbass" Midoriya curses herself "When did I become such an idiot?"

"That's it we are gonna crush, strangle, electrocute and torture them." The boys and girls plan their judgement.

"Don't forget the smash" All Might joins the fray.

"Hey, Bakugo" Todoroki calls his partner in crime "I know you hate it but we have to work together to get out of this perilous situation."

Bakugo hesitates but agrees because he knows the weight of Todoroki's words. He is not the one to ask for help.

"Fine half n half. What's the plan?"

"You blind them with your stun gun. Then I will freeze them."

"And then we run for our lives."


The duo takes their stance as the mob closes in.


"Stun Grenade" Bakugo shouts at the top of his lungs.

But unfortunately, nothing comes out of his hand. That's when they understand that they missed an important figure, Aizawa-sensei. "Pay for your crimes" is the message written all over his face.

They finally give up as they realize there is no use resisting," This is heaven's retribution. Let's face it." they close their eyes as everyone looks ready to pounce on them at any moment.

"Aww, crap" it was at this time that everyone hears Midoriya cry out in pain. They see her crunching down while holding her stomach.

"What happened?" Everyone instantly rushes over to her. Seeing them retreat, Bakugo and Todoroki breathe a sigh of relief. But remembering Midoriya getting hurt, they too go towards her.

"What happened Midoriya shoujo?" All Might voices the question lingering on everyone's mind.

"I have been shot."


The girls spontaneously look for injuries on her body and find a trail of blood flowing down her leg. On seeing this, they realize what truly happened.

"Who shot me? From where did they shoot me?" Midoriya questions with curiosity "I am sorry All Might. I am sorry mom." Midoriya expresses her final words.

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