Chapter 40

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Ariana drummed her fingers on her lap as Jace drove them to the hospital. She'd been too excited to ride her bike and Jace had insisted on driving her instead of her taking a taxi. Ariana sat up as Jace approached the hospital and was out of the car before Jace had the chance to park properly.

"Ari." Jace scolded as shut the door and headed towards the entrance as he parked the car.

Just as Jace turned off the ignition and headed inside the hospital, he saw Ariana get into the elevator with a bunch of people and sighed not knowing what floor she was headed. He went to the front desk to ask which took a while.

Ariana stepped out as the elevator doors opened and ran straight to her mum's room. She stopped when she arrived outside the room trying to calm herself before she walked inside. She'd been in complete shock since Betty called her, overwhelmed with happiness of course.

She took a deep breath in and exhaled before she reached for the door and push it open. Betty's head turned to look at her and she smiled before she stepped away and her mum came into view.

"Mum?" Ariana smiled as her eyes teared up,

"Baby." Her mum's smile grew as she opened her arms, like she did when she was little.

A sob escaped Ariana's lips as she ran towards her and went into her arms.
"Mum," She cried on her mum's shoulder,

"Sweetheart," She said as she ran her hand down her slightly damp hair, "It's okay. I'm here."

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you too honey," She said, "I was always looking forward to hearing your voice."

"What?" Ariana pulled away from her arms,

"I heard everything you told me while I was...asleep."

Ariana wiped her tears and smiled at that,
"You did?"

She nodded,
"I want to meet that fiancé of yours."

Ariana cried and laughed at the same time,
"Oh, mum,"

Ariana knew right then and there she was going to pay for everything she'd been spewing to her mum. All the things she lied about just for the sake of getting her mum to wake up hadn't exactly worked, well her mum was awake so maybe it had but now she was going to have to break her mum's heart and tell her there was no fiancé or even a man. She'd told her mum everything her mum always talked to her about, everything she thought her mum wanted for her, to find someone she loved who loved her just as much, someone she could spend her life with. She'd told her mum she and her fiancé were waiting for her to wake up so they could get married.

"So, where is he?"

"Mum that's not important right now," Ariana sighed, "And I might have..."

"Oh my," Mum said, "He is one handsome fellow."

Oh no, not...

Ariana turned around and sighed.
"Jace." She muttered to herself,

Jace looked from Ariana to her mum wondering what he'd just walked in on. Betty stood at the bedside, smiling to herself, knowing exactly what Ariana had gotten herself into.

"Well come on in, don't just stand there." Ariana's mum said,

"Hello, Mrs. Feilman," Jace walked further into and stood on the other side of the bed,

"You leave all formalities at the door and call me Abigail."

"Of course, Abigail." Jace smiled and glanced at Ariana,

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