A Year Later

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Jordan has been gone a year and a half now. The pain is still there but it's not as bad. I'm not angry with him anymore.

I haven't heard from Brody since he left. I guess it doesn't matter much since I don't really wanna date anyone. I realize that I was just upset and needing someone and he was there. I'm not mad with him but I do wish I could hear from him.

Abigail still lives in that apartment with her new boyfriend, Tracey. He's a sweet guy but not livable with. I moved out not too long after Tracey moved it. I have my own nice apartment not too far from Abigail.

I decided to open my own restaurant. I used my southern cooking to make a life. It was a good decision. I make enough to pay my bills and have a little left over.

I get up out of bed slowly and stretch. I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I brush my hair and pull it up into a cute bun. I walk back to my room and put on some khakis and my restaurant's signature orange shirt. I slide my white tennis shoes on and grab all my stuff before walking downstairs to check the mail.

Inside the mailbox is my phone bill, rent, and a letter with no sender. I open the letter first.

'Sweet Emma,

Letters are very cliché, I know. You deserve more than a letter though. I made a promise that I'll be back for you. I intend to keep that promise. I haven't forgotten you. How could I? You're all I can think about in this place. No I'm not in jail. I wish I was. After hearing about Jordan, I realized that life was short. I have family that need to know they're loved and that I'm sorry for acting the way that I did. I'll be back for you soon, my Emma.'

No one signed it, but I know it's from Brody. I feel the unfamiliar tingles in my stomach and I can't help but to feel a bit relieved that he's okay and that he hasn't forgotten about me.

I fold the letter back up and put it gently in my purse. I throw the bills in my purse next, not caring if they get crumpled.

I walk to my car and get in. I start it and head to my restaurant.


When I get there, the lights are off and the restaurant is deserted. I have an hour till the doors open. I check and balance the register. Then I fix the tables and fill the containers with their substances. When I look back at the clock I see that it's time to open.

I unlock the door and turn the sign to open. Evan and Amber, my waiters, will be here in a few moments. My cooks should be here before then.

"Morning Em." I hear Eve, Wade, Carlee, and Cody walk in.

"Good morning. You ready for a busy day?" I ask with a smile.

"Yes ma'am. I've been talking about the restaurant." Carlee tells me.

"Well thank you Carlee." I say to her as they walk to the back.

Not too long after they get to the kitchen, Amber and Evan arrive.

"Well Good morning love birds." I say to the couple.

"Morning boss." Evan says with a small smirk to Amber.


The restaurant got busy pretty soon. I had to hire another waitress. She a sweetheart. She told me she's pregnant and needs a job so she can make some money. I hired her as soon as that came out of her mouth. I have a soft spot for people in need.

When it was time to close, I locked the door and counted the money. After seeing it was all there, I took it to the office and locked it up.

When everyone is done cleaning, we say goodbye and I lock the doors.

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