The One Where He Is Old

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الہی ترک مہبت پر وہ کیوں کر یاد آتے ہیں۔


Jannat's sweet perfume wafted in the air as she twirled the children in the garden, the soft dewy grass against her feet and her pazeb jingling as the children clapped.

She had decided to let her emotions stay buried inside her heart. Why should she mull over the past? It was the present now. Her cousins were here and she decided to spend time with them. This was Jannat, keeping it all in her heart forever.

When her feet stopped twirling, her hair floated around her in a halo and she felt dizzy suddenly. Opening her eyes, they widened seeing more of her cousins present.

Omar bhai, Haris bhai and their younger brother Hadi stood at the edge of the lawn, their eyes on her. They had come from outside the house it seemed.

She nervously smiled at them and they moved their eyes away at once.

A loud laughter rang through the air as Zoya, Huriya and Afiya came outside through the front doors, their hands slapping together in a high five.

She watched in amusement as Hadi started shouting at them to play with him. Everyone agreed to play Hide and Seek. After Dua and others were called, they started playing.

Since Omar bhai was older, nearly twenty six years old, he stopped playing after only one round. The rest played however, till they were tired and only some places to hide were left undiscovered.

Jannat ran to the upper storey of their house as her dupatta floated behind her. This part of their enormous house was mostly abandoned even when the guest were present. The lone chandeliers hung on the ceiling, the sparkling marble floor cold beneath her feet. The large glass windows let some moonlight enter the large hall and she halted when she saw a shadow moving among the large potted plants.

Scared, she quickly ducked down, preventing the intruder from seeing her. She was sure none of her cousins were at this part of the house. Adrenaline coursed through her body when she thought about the possibility of a thief or some intruders. Her hands trembled as her flight or fight response took action. She was scared and didn't know what to do. She carefully stood behind a large cupboard, thinking how could she run downstairs. Cursing her habit of never carrying her phone with herself, she stood waiting for something to happen.

She didn't know when or how, but her dupatta had gotten stuck somewhere and when she yanked it ,it tore apart, the sound echoing in the large hall as she closed her eyes.

Sudden weird noises and ghostly sounds scared her. She felt like some lights were flickering. It couldn't be. Not ghosts.

All her life, she had been scared of two things: Ghosts and strange men.

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