The One Where It Falls Apart

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  اب رونا بھی چھوڑ دیا ان کے لئے یہ سوچ کرکہیں خدا ان سے میرے آنسوؤں کا حساب نہ لے لے

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اب رونا بھی چھوڑ دیا ان کے لئے یہ سوچ کر
کہیں خدا ان سے میرے آنسوؤں کا حساب نہ لے لے


Jannat wore her favourite pearl white shalwar kameez and a colourful dupatta. The tiny pearl rested between her exposed collarbones and her ears were adorned with a pair of a dangling pearl earrings. A delicate pazeb rested in the hollow of her ankle and her shy lips morphed into a smile.

He was coming back today.

She ran down the stairs, her hands fidgeting as she told her mother about her plan to go and get some necessary things from Ibraheem's apartment. It was locked so she took the duplicate keys and left.

Asking the driver to wait for her, she quickly went inside after nodding at the guard.

She unlocked the door, thinking about wearing those clothes for him when they went out tonight. She had to pick her clothes up and maybe she should get some flowers? She smiled at herself, it was only a week since he had been away and she was welcoming him like it has been ages.

She stopped when he noticed the lights on in the living room. Did they forget to turn them off?

Ibraheem was right, she is so careless.

Stepping forward, she went straight to their room which already had its door open.

Her feet stopped.

Her breathe stopped.

Jannat looked at a sleeping Zoya, dressed only in a skimpy red coloured piece of lingerie, in their bed.

The door to the bathroom opened suddenly and he came out. Only a towel covering his lower body, Ibraheem's gaze first went to Jannat standing at the door and then Zoya in the bed.

Jannat's looked at him on disbelief while her heart felt like someone stabbed it with broken glass.

Bile rose up her throat and tears clouded her eyes when she turned around to leave.
Ibraheem was behind her, calling her name out repeatedly.

"Jannat! Listen to me for God's sake. I don't know where the fûck she came fr- Jannat!"
He grabbed her hand, trying to stop her and make her listen but her mind was numb.

Her legs were giving away, she wanted to leave. Her arms felt like they were lifeless, her eyes were lifeless.

She felt like her husband had just died. She felt like a newly wed woman whose husband had just died.

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