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"Mom?" Rose yells as she walks into her mom's office looking around to see if she is possibly in there. "Are you here?"

"Is this Aunt Hermione's office?" A little voice comes from beind her so Rose whips around frantically to see little Lily walk in followed by James and Scorpius.

"Guys you aren't allowed in here," She says frantically trying to push them out but it was too late because they were already walking around the room.

"Sissy, you know we can't be in her," Her little brother Hugo said walking in rubbing his eyes and clutching his little teddy bear as if he had just woken from a nap.

"I know that," Rose sighs dragging her hands down her face as Hugo walksover to the others.

"You know your mom has a lot of cool things in here," Scorpius says as he goes through Hermione's drawers.

"I swear you better not break anything because you know both my mom and your father will beat your butt," She says to which he shivers at the thought causing him to nod in agreement but he keeps looking anyways to find something interesting.

"Rosie, were you looking for me? Harry said he heard you calling my name," Hermione calls from downstairs. "Also have you seen Harry's kids he said that it's time to leave."

Rose can hear her mom's foot steps coming up the stairs and she starts sweating. "Cool," Scorpius says behind her and she sees them all in a huddled bunch around a necklace.

As he goes to turn it Rose realizes it's the time turner from her mom's stories and runs towards them screaming "No!" making sure to grab one of them. As they are slipping away she sees her mom run in the room screaming her name. Then there is a big flash of light and they are gone leaving Hermione standing there staring at thin air.

As they all fall to the ground there is a loud crash and a lot of pain. They look around but can't see anything because wherever they are it's really dark.

Then complaints start filling the room, "Ow, That was my hand" "Get off me" "THAT'S MY HAIR" But it eventually stops when they find the door and open it to see light.

They walk out and look at the old building around them. "Sissy, where are we?" Hugo asks pulling on Rose's hand still clutching his bear.

"I think we are in the old Hogwarts," Rose responds looking around them when Scorpius stumbles to stand next to her.

"What was that thing?" He says squinting to take in their surroundings because it looks nothing like the Hogwarts they know now, but they are the only two old enough to tell since they are the only ones old enough to go.

Rose glares at him and whacks him in the back of the head as hard as she can. "You bloody idiot, that thing was a time turner. You know the ones from our parents stories I mean how stupid can you be. I mean I hoped you would get some intelligence from your Father," Rose said rolling her eyes.

"Hey, daddy's smart too," Lily said pouting," She says quietly wiping her eyes because she's really scared.

"Oh course he is flower," Scorpius says picking her up and hugging her tightly and looking at Rose with a glare. "Not the time to fight."

"I want daddy!" She cries louder so Scorpius starts shushing her and whispering comforting things in her ear.

"Sissy, I want mama," Hugo says starting to tear up as well to which Rose picks him up as well and whispering comforting things, also.

"Okay, I know you're scared and all but we need to find a way to get home," James says walking in front of them to try and find a way out. He may only be eight but he's a good rationalizer.

"Okay, Scorpius where is the turner?," Rose asks turning to look at him before looking at his hands to see that it isn't there. "WHERE IS IT!?!"

"I think as we were warping or whatever it was we were doing I let go and then we appeared in that," he looks to see what they appeared in, it's a "closet."

"Well, great how are we going to get home," James says exasperated throwing his arms in the air sighing.

Rose looks at the ground in deep thought before looking up into Scorpius's grey eyes and gaining a nervous smile. "I have an idea but it could turn out really bad," Rose says quietly gaining everyone's attention even the little ones who stop crying.

"What is it?" Scorpius says encouraging her to keep talking.

She takes a deep breath before answering, "We don't really know how the turner works but my mom does." She winces closing her eyes waiting for them to understand.

"No way," Jame says sounding excited to which she opens her eyes. "We get to meet little dad!"

"Awesome!" Scorpius says excited to do it but when he looks at Rose he seems more reluctant.

"Yeah, That may sound cool and all but we could do some really bad damage to the timeline. I mean what if we stopped our parents from getting together, then we wouldn't exist," She says quickly and desperately as if trying to convince them to behave. "I don't want to lose any of you."

Scorpius smiles fondly at her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders giving them a reassuring squeeze. "Ok let's do this," Scorpius says as they start to walk down the hall heading to the other students.

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