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"Okay, so I'll start off the introductions," Rose says bumping Scorpius a little out of the way. "I'm 11 years old and just started at Hogwarts this year. My name is Rose Monica Weasley."

"I mean of course your a Weasley, because of your hair but which Weasley," Harry says smiling at her.

"Um," She says nervously glancing at Ron and Hermione before answering. "I'll be more specific Rose Monica Granger-Weasley, they abbreviated."

Everyone's mouths drop open as they all turn to Hermione and Ron, because who else, who are frozen in shock. "No bloody way," Ron says staring shocked.

"Yep, daughter of Ron and Hermione Weasley here," She says giving them a nervous smile before looking at Hugo. "And this here is Hugo Albus Granger-Weasley and he's 5-years-old."

He shy'll waves not sure if he's allowed to go to Hermione since she isn't his mom at the time. He looks between Rose and Hermione before she gestures him over still in a bit of shock. Rose sets him down and he runs into her arms and snuggles into her neck making her laugh a little.

"I have kids," Hermione whispers to herself before looking up at Rose and smiling brightly.

"My turn!" James yells making many people laugh. "Okay so I'm eight years old so I just got two more years till Hogwarts. My name is James Severus Potter."

There are some chocking noise from the front of the room and many look up to see Snape looking at them a little shocked but it disappears quickly.

"Your turn," James says poking Scorpius's side and is able to move quickly before Scorpius whacks his arm.

"Okay, so I'm 11 and in my first year at Hogwarts with Rosie. My name is Scorpius Hyperion Potter," He says causing a few to gasp having not heard the little girl call him Bubby. "And this is-"

"I can introduce myself," Lily says sticking her tongue out at him and he raises his arms in surrender.

"Her attitude," Hermione says chuckling gaining Ron's attention. "I love her already."

"I'm four years old, and my name is Lily Andromeda Potter," She smiles up at Harry as he smiles down at her handling the fact that he has three future kids standing in front of pretty much everyone.

"Who's your mom if it's not Ginny?" Harry asks looking at Ginny apologetically to which she huffs but it's not like she could do much.

"Father! Father!" Lily yells abruptly after looking around the the room and jumping off Harry's lap. She heads towards the Slytherin table causing the group to look at each other a bit confused.

"Did she say father?" Ginny says a little shocked and looks at Harry in a new light. "You're gay?"

"No!" Harry says abruptly causing the kids to look at each other worried before they hear a very familiar voice yell out.

"What are you doing!?!" Draco yells abruptly standing up when the little girl tries to hug him. His abrupt movement causes her to fall on the ground and she just stares up at him tears pooling in her eyes. He really didn't want to ruin his reputation but he couldn't just let her cry especially when she was looking at him with such Potter eyes. "Please don't cry."

He picks her up and tries to awkwardly get her to stop crying but she stops as soon as she's in his arms and wraps her arms tightly around his neck. "I was so scared, Bubby got us stuck here," She says a bit loudly so Scorpius could hear.

"Hey, you can't blame all this on me I wasn't the only one in Hermione's office messing with stuff," Scorpius says trying to defend himself but winces when he realizes what he said.

"You were in my office," Hermione says abruptly standing up and slamming her hand on the table. Then a shocked look passed across her face when she realizes she sounded like a mom. "Woah."

"Well, you were the one who touched the turner thing in the first place," James says walking up to Scorpius accusingly. "You shouldn't have unlocked the drawer."

"Hey, it was something Father had taught me," Scorpius says pointing at Draco who kind of takes a step away from the boys who were fighting.

"WAIT!" Hermione yells getting everyone's attention as it seems to just go from one person to the next. "You touched my time turner." She basically growls the last sentence as she glares at the boys. "What have you done!?!"

She stands up and hands Hugo to Rose as she walks slowly towards the boys to which James runs and hides behind Draco as he too gulps a bit being slightly scared of Hermione, though he would never admit to it. "I'm sorry I didn't know what it was, I was curious," Scorpius says not running but slowly stepping backwards as his mouth goes dry.

"Where is it?" She growls looking at him and he's terrified.

"I-um uh," He can't speak being that he is too scared that she's going to kill him because he had lost it.

Then suddenly Rose is between them having passed Hugo to Ron who was a bit startled but accepted knowing she was going to try and save the poor boy from Hermione's claws. "Okay, mom I know he's a complete idiot and totally deservers whatever you want to do to him," Rose says making sure to stand completely in front of Scorpius because when Hermione finds out then she will most likely kill him.

"Hey," He says a little shocked but then looks at Hermione and shuts up.

"We came looking for you because when we warped here, I guess you could say, right before we landed he let go of it. And we wanted to know more about it so we came to you because we knew you would know," Rose explains to which Hermione growls again before a bang rings through out the room and they look up to the front to see Dumbledore standing.

"Okay everyone, dinner is over please everyone leave except the children, Mr. Weasley, Ms. Granger, Mr. Potter, and Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore proclaims and everyone else leaves though they want to see what happens next but they don't want to get in trouble.

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