Chapter 22

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Every human that came into my office with vodka was a potential candidate for a new vampire.  I studied their every move and thought back to any time I had observed them before.  Some made better candidates than others.

I still hadn't seen Ian or Grey for that matter.  Once Marcus had left he hadn't returned.  He probably thought I needed to be alone.  Ian, on the other hand, was always there for me.  I understood why he hadn't come to see me.  He had to get caught up on all of Max's old paperwork.  As for Gray I didn't know what was keeping him from me.  I wanted to tell him I was sorry.

I sat at the window like a bored king on his throne, gazing out over his kingdom.  The only difference was I was staring down at Times Square rather than a kingdom.

I sighed and watched the foot traffic in Times Square.  All the people walked around down there completely oblivious to the FBI office building.  At this time of night the PIs probably busted twenty people for drug possession.  And that was on a slow night.

Ian was suddenly the center of my thoughts.  Why hadn't he gotten a few minutes to at least come and say hello?  I know Max couldn't have been that far behind on paperwork.  Not unless he never even touched it.  Eventually I got restless and decided to go for a walk down the hall.  No one tried to speak to me and if they did they were hissed at.  I really didn't want to be bothered today.  People should have seen that from where I was carrying a bottle of vodka.  I never did that.  Not ever.

I went up to the roof and summoned some clouds.  It was too damn sunny.  I rested back against the edge of the door to the stairs and stared out across the New York City skyline.  It was beautiful.  Up here you could see the sky.  Sometimes, at night, you could even see some stars.  Sure NYC was great but sometimes I missed home.  I missed being back in Virginia  the beach was so lovely in the summer.  I missed being able to lay out in the sun.  If I tried that shit now I'd die.  Ian couldn't have that.  Not to mention my stupid half-er would come and rescue me from my impending doom.  It was his sworn duty to keep me around.  He didn't have to like me and he was allowed to kill me but he couldn't let anyone or anything else do it.

Right now it was almost sunrise and I could hear someone coming up the stairs under the sound of the wind in my ears and the sound of car horns and shouting on the streets below me.  I took a deep breath and through the smog, and the smell of sweaty humans down below I found Ian's warm delicious scent.  It was him coming up the stairs.  I took another deep breath of him.  He was alone.

I heard the door open beside me and I saw the bottle of vodka before Ian waltz through.  I snatched the bottle out of his hands before he had come all the way through the door.  He smiled down at me with a smile that could melt a snowman!  I smiled back up at him and took a deep breath of him again, my fangs fully extended.  They hadn't retracted for days.  I wasn't worried but I'd been spooking a lot of lackeys here recently.  Sometimes it was funny enough to get me to smile.

"Hungry?"  Ian gracefully sat down next to me and smiled.  If I would have had a heart it would be pounding and melted by now.

"Is it that obvious?"  I grinned at Ian.  I couldn't help but be happier around him.  I guess once I fed off him the infatuation would go away.  I hoped it wouldn't.  Sure Gray and I were forever but I had to enjoy the beauty that humans still had to offer, like Ian.

"I promised Markus I wouldn't say this but you look terrible.  When was the last time you combed you hair, Andy?"  I was happy he wasn't calling me agent anymore.  Maybe he had just dropped the title to make me feel better.  Right now, I honestly didn't give a flying fuck.

"Just a few days ago," I said with a shrug.  "Why?"

"Have you looked in a mirror today?  Andy, you look like you just came out of Hell!"  I looked away from him and stared at my feet.  I wasn't terrible but I was bad.  I smelled like vodka and drool.  Gross!  

Ian gently grabbed my face and my fangs tingled at his warm touch and the scent of him.  I wanted to taste his blood!  I followed where his hands brought my face and he kissed me.  His tongue tangled with mine and I was tempted to prick his tongue with one of my fangs just to get a taste.  I half consciously climbed into his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck.  This was the most interaction I'd had in days and I was going to use it to my full advantage.  I slipped my fingers under the bottom hem of Ian's shirt and shoved it up with my hands to feel his hard stomach.  I felt my mouth water at the sensation.  He shrugged out of his blazer and laid it on the floor of the roof beside him.

I lifted his shirt, feeling all his scars on his chest as my hands glided up the length of his torso.  I pulled his shirt off over his head and put it with his blazer.  I felt Ian's hands tugging my shirt up in the back and when his skin touched mine my eyes rolled back into my head.  His hands felt so good on my back!  then his lips left mine and trailed down my cheek to my neck.  His lips were so warm and soft on mt skin that I couldn't help sighing my gratitude.  Suddenly, he was tugging my shirt off over my head and then I felt his lips over where my heart should be beating.  I pushed him arms length away without dismounting his lap.

"What's wrong?"  He was panting.

I took a deep breath.  "I almost killed you," I said.  "That's what's wrong."

Ian stroked my arms gently and pulled me back into his chest.  "Don't push me away like that, Andy.  I was trying to show you something."

"Show me what?" 

"That I'm worthy," he said kissing me.  My throat lit itself on fire, practically.  "And that you're extremely thirsty."

Tale of a Vampire Assassinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن