Wolf bonding

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My wolf trotted towards Theo's wolf hesitantly, trying to figure out his intentions. She shook off the water on her fur, drying herself. I was wondering where Theo had rushed off to earlier; I didn't think he'd be out here.

His wolf stayed on his back, his tail still wagging. Wow, so he really wanted to play?

When my wolf got close enough, she licked his hind leg, asking him to get up. His wolf got up immediately, and tilted his head at me.

She creeped up to him and quickly touched his back with her snout before running away.

Looking back, she saw his wolf turning around in surprise. My wolf wanted to play tag.

Theo's wolf seemed to have understood as he started to sprint towards our direction. My wolf yelped in excitement and started to sprint and dodge the countless trees.

Hearing his wolf's legs and paws pounding the ground behind me, I pushed my wolf to run faster. He was getting quite close, and I didn't want the chase to be over.

I took pride in my ability to run fast, especially in my wolf form. I am much faster than almost all the wolves in my pack, including the males. It's almost as strange as my abnormal strength as a female wolf.

My speed must've surprised Theo by now, knowing how impossible it is to outrun an Alpha.

But then again, I am a strange anomaly.
There I was sprinting, in my wolf form, through the dense forest of the BlackShadowed Pack, being playfully chased by the Alpha who happens to be my moody mate.

Just a month ago, I couldn't imagine myself visiting the most 'dangerous' and powerful pack in the country. I couldn't even imagine finding my mate, let alone imagine being paired with an Alpha, with Theo Hunter to be exact.

The time I have spent here has made me realise two things.

The first thing being, this pack isn't half as bad as people describe it. In fact, the rumors couldn't be further from the truth.

I heard that the members here are brainwashed, cold and lifeless, due to their crazy training and intense discipline. They don't have dungeons where they keep enemies and torture them - trust me, I've asked.

Maybe that was the case when Maxwell Hunter, The Mad Alpha, was ruling the pack which brings me onto my second epiphany.

I may not know him that well, but Theo is nothing like his father.

People have described Theo to be the exact copy of Maxwell, or an even worse copy.

According to rumors, Theo is a ruthless and cold-hearted leader. Someone who doesn't care for his people, only for the gain of power and money. Just like his father.

Someone who kills and murders without hesitating. Not giving a damn about the death of his fellow pack members. Just like his father.

Someone who liked to seperate mates by killing one of them, just for pure entertainment. Just like his father.

I'm sure you could see why Maxwell was nicknamed 'The Mad Alpha'. He's done plenty of horrible acts, and I haven't even gotten around to the worst ones.

Theo is nothing like how the rumors have painted him. I mean, the rumors were accurate with whole 'tall and handsome' part, but he isn't uncaring, cold, heartless and a carbon copy of his father.

He takes care of his pack, I clearly saw that when I toured around the pack. People were content with their lives, living the best they can. His warriors were in good condition, not because they train hard everyday in extreme conditions like people say.

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