The Mad Alpha

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I let out a frustrated sigh and closed my eyes in worry, of course there was a reason Killian looked so smug when he left. He brought family into the equation, a weakness of mine. Theo, who was standing behind me, quietly reached for my hand and held it reassuringly. 

I opened my eyes and watched everyone's crestfallen expressions as they processed the situation. My gaze fell on the black box strapped to Jay's neck, I knew that it was my fault that there was a gamble on his health and life. If only I hadn't let my temper get the better of me, Irene and Kobi wouldn't have found out my true rank; supposing that it was them who contacted Killian. 

My stomach turned at the thought of facing Killian again, his creepy smile with those golden teeth kept flashing in my mind. Staring at the black box, I finally came to a conclusion that I knew no one would like. 

"Maybe we should give him what he wants?" I suggested, shrugging a little. This made everyone recoil back in shock and alarm as they shook their heads.

"No." Magnus said firmly. "That is not an option."

"Well, do any of you have any better ideas?" I retorted, crossing my arms over each other. 

"I'm going to call the best engineer I know to look at that box." He replied, taking his phone out and dialling a number. "Hopefully, he'll be able to get rid of it or at least refer us to someone else who can."

He walked away as soon as the person on the other line picked up.

"We'll make sure he doesn't get a hold of you." Kaitlyn said reassuringly. She sighed and rubbed her temples; the stress evident on her face. "Now I'll have to arrange an emergency meeting with the other leaders to talk about the rogue problem."

"They were able to conceal their lifeforce, making it extremely hard for anyone to detect them." Theo spoke up, his brow furrowed in thought. "They were able to slip past your border warrior forces and you, the Luna, couldn't detect the trespassers even with your ability. This is not something we can take lightly, it's a problem."

"This is a different level of problems." Kaitlyn agreed, sighing. "The downside to 'keeping out of the rogues' business' is that we never know what they're working on, which means their plans have a higher chance of working out."

Jay frowned as he took in Theo. "Why are you here?"

Kaitlyn also frowned and looked at Theo for an explanation; she probably hadn't processed that Theo was trespassing until now. My heart rate increased as I panicked about what excuse Theo could give for trespassing, is this how everyone will find out? I wanted Magnus and Kaitlyn to build some kind of relationship with him and dismiss the preconceptions they may have about him.

Just then Magnus finished his phone call and joined us with a grim expression, thankfully everyone's attention fell on him. 

"I managed to convince him to fly over here, and check it out." He told us, putting his phone away. "He's in Australia right now, and is currently doing a project."

Kaitlyn sighed in relief and asked, "Is it Matt?" 

He nodded in response and looked at Theo with a wary expression. "Why have you come all the way here? What is your business?" 

Just when Theo opened his mouth to explain, a loud cry erupted from the crowd; making us look to see what was happening. So many distractions...

"It's... a wolf!" A student cried, trying to run away but ended up tripping on their gown. I looked to what her panicked gaze was on, and reeled back in shock; a large rogue was slowly making it's way towards the crowd. 

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