[26] Mr. Player Likes The Good Girl

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Dedicated for being an awesome reader and fan! :D ^^

Chapter 26

~You only get the value of something until it's gone~

[Dylan's POV]

I saw Alex walk away as I stood there silently. Then I started cursing like a maniac. Cursing this stupid situation, cursing Alex for having this effect on me and cursing myself for being such a jerk.

How had I not realised Alex had feelings for me? And when she came up to me to confess them, I acted like an asshole and broke her heart. I deserved each harsh word she said to me and each hateful slap.

The worst thing was, I couldn't even explain her why I did what I did. What would I tell her? That I had to protect my player reputation and break her heart, because Mr. Player doesn't have compassion for anyone?

I couldn't tell her this. On the other hand how could I tell her that all we shared was hundred percent true and not part of my stupid games?

I'd messed up everything and I was the only person to blame.

I angrily slammed my fist on thhe desk, letting all my frusturations out.

But why did it matter to me? Why did I care that I'd lost Alex? Was this because I--

No. I'm still a player. Always was. And players don't have feelings for girls, specially boring average girls.

Well, except Alex doesn't look like a boring average girl anymore. What's up with her anyway? She looked...different today. What was with all that make-up and that short denim skirt? I mean she seemed dressed like she was dressed for a party.

She looked like Stacey.

Well, not really. I mean she had only little make-up and her outfit was fashionable not slutty. But she looked...hotter?

I grabbed my books from my locker and headed for English. My eyes instantly fell on Alex as I entered the classroom. She was sitting beside Kevin and they were talking. And she was smiling. Her pretty smile made my heart flutter.

Wait, what?! I shook my head. I was getting crazy.

 Someone nudged me. I turned to see Matt. "Dude, do you know that chick?" He asked, gesturing towards a girl. I turned to see where he was pointing.

Imagine my surprise when I realised he was talking about Alex.

"Haven't seen her around before. Is she new?"

"No you idiot! She's Alex. Alex Rojers, she's been in this class with us since forever!" I snapped.

Matt was taken aback by my sudden outburst, and more importantly, surprised.

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