[Epilogue] Finally With Mr. Player

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Author’s Note-

Can’t believe this story has finally come to an end. I’d like to thank each and every one who read this story, voted and commented or even added this to their library from the bottom of my heart. This story has got this popular all because of you guys. It’s finally getting completed. 

So here’s the epilogue-


“Alex, Dylan’s here!” my mom’s voice comes up.

“Crap” I mutter. Calm down Alex, calm down! Dylan can wait for you. Just calm down.

I take in a deep breath hoping it will have the desired effect and start combing my hair once more. I try to clip it up like I want to but all in vain, my hair just wouldn’t stay up like it’s supposed to. I let out a frustrated shriek. Why the hell is my hair being so stubborn right now? I flop down on my bed, angry and almost in tears. I’ll never make it to the dance in time.

And it’s not that I can actually bail out on it. Not this one, no. I mean it’s not every day that you have your senior prom, do you? It’s a once in a life-time experience, and I’m lucky enough to say that I have a date for this. And not just any date, we’re talking about Dylan Kennedy here, the school’s hottest guy, not to mention my boyfriend.

“Honey, are you okay?” mom enters my room, looking worried.

“Nope, I’m not at all good. I could use some help here” I say pointing at my messed up hair-do.

“That’s it? I thought you had some serious emergency like your dress got torn or it got ruined or you feel sick or something like that.”

I glance at the dress I’m wearing and silently thank god for it being okay. I don’t know what I’d do if it got ruined. That would suck big time, especially since this dress cost me quite a bit. Even though pink is not my color, my prom dress is pink. Well, it’s not exactly pink it’s a hot-pink color. It has sequins encrusted in the corset area and is tight against my body. It flows down lik frock then in it's soft lace material.

“Well, it’ll be good if you helped me out now, we’re already late and—“

“Shh! It’s okay, mom to the rescue!” she chirps and gets down to doing my hair. I sigh, silently hoping that mom will do the magic and my hair will transform  into what I want it to be.

“Where’s Dylan by the way?” I ask.

“Oh, he’s waiting downstairs. Told him to watch some sports while he did.” I nod in reply and sit silently as she twists my hair into complicated braids and knots and clips them at various places. I wonder what she is doing and how my hair looks since I’m not sitting in front of the mirror at the moment. After about ten minutes or so, by the time I am really impatient, mom lets go of my hair and says that she is done. She smiles in anticipation as she tells me to get a look in the mirror. I walk over to the mirror and stifle a gasp. My hair which had been a wreck just a few minutes ago had been transformed into a glamorous bun.  A few stray curls fall down, encircling my face. I love my hair!

“Thank you mom, I love it!” I turn around and hug my mom tightly.

“I’m glad I could be of help” she says smiling her motherly smile.

I get up and grab my clutch and exit my room, mom follows close behind. I make my way down the stairs and I notice Dylan sitting on the couch, watching football on TV. As he hears my footsteps, he turns around. Our eyes meet and he gets up. His face is a mask of shock and surprise as he keeps looking at me, not removing his gaze from mine for even a second.

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