Chapter 15

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Calla's POV:

"Who the fuck are you?" I glared at a woman who looked to be in her mid twenties.

She was dressed in a fucking maids outfit. How clichè can Luka be? She had short red chopped hair, and a round baby face.

She stared at me, "I'm here to help you get ready for tonight."

I gave her a thumbs up, "that's great red riding hood, but I'm perfectly capable of dressing myself."

"I was instructed by Luka to aid you in getting read."

"Luka has AIDS?"

She frowned, "What? no."

"Luka needs a BandAid?"

She huffed out a breath, clearly annoyed.


"Then I am completely confused, red."

She ran a frustrated hand through her hair and shook her head, "Okay, look. Luka sent me here to help you get ready. You know, do your make up, do your hair, get you dressed. He doesn't need BandAids, and he doesn't have any sexually transmitted diseases, got it?"

I shrugged, "You should have just said all that when you walked into the room, then there wouldn't be this much confusion."

She let out a frustrated noise as she picked up a large duffle bag and a gown bag from outside the door.

Heh. I enjoy fucking with people.

I watched her begin to set out boxes and jars of makeup and hair product, her maids costume made me want to eat glass.

I came to the painful decision to just let Red do her job, after all, she wasn't the person I was angry at.

Red was actually quite the perfectionist, she lined my eyes with black liner, fake lashes, and glittery  eye shadow.

She painted my lips a dark nude color, and contoured my face to fuckin perfection. She left my hair in it's natural long, ink black waves

After painting my face, Red carried on, pulling a gorgeous dress from the gown bag.

She helped me into it, and I couldn't help but gape at the way it hugged my body like a glove. It was a glittery gold dress, that was tight around my body, and flowed out in a small train like a pool of melted gold.

I hated my situation, and the people I was surrounded by. But this dress was flawless.

I thought of Sinister, and what his reaction would be like if he saw me now. I thought of the way his icy eyes would sparkle, and he'd get that dark mischievous smirk that would plaster to his beautiful face.

It's incredible how alone someones absence can make you feel. I could be in a room surrounded by friends and family, but without Sinister...I felt like I was alone, stranded in the middle of the ocean.

I missed him so much it hurt me with such force, like a knife to my heart. It almost felt as though he had died, but the reality was that he still walked the Earth, and I never got to hear a goodbye.

Sometimes I wish that I had a second chance to meet him for the first time, in a different life, where we were two normal people looking for love, with nothing to stop us from being together.

I felt tears burn my eyes, and I sniffed.

"Don't cry your makeup off." Red huffed, pressing a tissue lightly to the corner of my eyes.

"Fuck off." I muttered.

There was a knock on the door, and I felt all sadness float away, and become replaced with immense dread.

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