Chapter 21

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guys, please let me just say, if you're easily offended don't read my book, and don't read this chapter.

double update!! :)

Sinister's POV:

I really hope she didn't burn the house down.

I nodded to the guards at the front door as I walked in, and was immediately attack by a small monkey. She lept into my arms and I held her there.

"That was 36 minutes. I was sooo close to burning the house down." She kissed my cheek.

I grinned at her, "Sorry, love."

"What's the surprise?" She asked with a dimpled smile. I frowned as I noticed she was wearing one of my shirts. Her dark hair was wild around her shoulders, completely untamed like the wild child she was.

"My mother wants us to visit her, a little family reunion, with the exception of Luka."

Her big blue eyes went wide.

My mother had called me a few weeks back, she missed me and wanted me and my bride to visit her and my father. She had invited my cousins too. That's why I had been so busy lately, I was making sure I wouldn't have to work while we were visiting.

"What do you think?" I asked.

She ran her fingers through her hair, "do you think they'll like me?"

"I don't know how they couldn't."


Afanas' POV:

My nose burned as I snorted a line, I felt the warm buzz fill my head.

"That's so cool. Can I try?"

I glared at Rachel, "No."

I'm not quite sure what I had gotten myself in to. I'm not the kind of man who dates women. I fuck women. I use women. But I do not date women.

Maybe it's that inner fear I have, that i'll never be good enough, or I'll never live up to their expectations. I dated a girl named Carly, but I never loved her. The only girl I ever felt something real for, was Calla. But I'm not Sinister Velkov. I'm not as good looking, or rich as my best friend.

Or maybe, its the fact that I'm a disconnected man whore, who's addicted to sex and drugs.

"Just one line?" Rachel pouted, her brown locks falling around her shoulders.

"Not gonna happen." I smirked, "I'm already a druggie, I'm not about to let you become one."

She shook her head, her lips grazing mine as she gave me a quick peck.

"Do you want to do something fun?" She asked, sprawling out on my bed like a little lion.

I raised an eyebrow, "Like what?"

"Hmm, I have an idea, but it's a secret so I have to drive." She grinned mischievously.

I shrugged and nodded at her, tossing the keys to my Mustang, "I swear to God Rachel, if you scratch Shelia, I will kill you."

"Who's Sheliah."

"My fucking car."


Okay, let me just say, that I may be a bad driver, but Rachel is TERRIBLE. She was playing the Song FEFE, and completely forgot to stop at a red light. Her excuse was that she was "color blind".

She either drove above the speed limit, or below, at no point did she ever go the speed limit.

She also flicked off every Prius that we passed.

We drove for about 20 minutes before stopping out side "Saint Michaels Christian Church of Holy Worship."

I stared at her as she put the car in park.

"No." I said sternly. "We are not doing this. You said this would be fun. Church is not fun."

She sighed, "It can be fun. Just give it 3 minutes."

The little vixen didn't even wait for me to answer, instead she just hopped out of the car and skipped towards the doors where a ceremony was occurring.

I hesitated, before following her inside. I had never been to church before, it felt like I should burn for even setting foot here.

Inside was an eruption of singing, something about Jesus and God.

A priest stood at the front of the room, and entire choir sung behind him. This is fucking stupid, why the fuck am I here. Men and women sat all around us, dressed in fancy, conservative clothing. I was definitely out of place. How the fuck did I let her take me here?

The second the song ended, Rachel skipped to the front of the room and approached the priest.

"Hi, daddy, er, I mean Father, my lord." She smiled at him.

The man was in his sixties with white hair, wearing a long white robe with a massive gold cross sewn into it.

"Yes, child, what can I do for you?" He asked quietly.

She beamed fakely at him, "Hi, my name is Trixie, and I had some questions about Jesus and stuff like that."

He paused, "I would be happy to speak with you after the ceremony."

She shook her head, "I gotta go back to the strip club pretty soon. My boyfriend over there" she motioned to me, and a hundred stern faces turned around to see me. My face flushed red in complete embarrassment.

"My boyfriend, well sorry, Daddy, he told me to call him Daddy, he said that he wants to put his hot dog into my buns, do you know what that means, Papa Father?"

The priests face turned bright red as he coughed awkwardly.

What. The. Fuck. Is. She. Doing.

"Also" Rachel said cheerfully "he says he wants to lick my kitty, do you know what that means? I'm not married or anything so I don't fully know what any of this means."

I heard gasps of shock ring out through the crowd.

The priest just stood there in complete and utter disbelief, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to find words to say.

"Okay, well I can see you're going to be no help to me. Bye Mr. Jesus! Bye AA meeting!" She waved to the crowed of horrified people as she sprinted past me and out of the church.

I took off behind her, slamming the glass door after me.

"RACHEL WHAT THE FUCK!?" I yelled at her and watched in fury as she laughed hysterically.


She wiped her eyes as tears poured down her face from laughter, she bent over, struggling to catch her breath.

I glared at her, "you're so fucking lucky you're cute. If you were anyone else, I would've shot you by now."

She calmed down, a smile still plastered on her face as she pressed her lips into mine.

She pulled away, "Make up sex?"

I snaked my hands around her full waist and pulled her to me nodding slowly as I kissed her neck.

"Church sex?"

I pulled away from her

"You're sick."

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