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Jungkook sighed inside his mother's car. He was being dropped off at school. Jungkook was now wearing some of the clothes he bought yesterday. He started having doubts, was this a good idea? He couldn't stop himself from thinking that this might increase the bullying he received somehow.

He could change his clothes and his hair but did that make him a new person? Would he be able to show you he's different now?

"Go on, sweetie. It's okay, everything will be fine."

Jungkook turned to his mother who was giving him a reassuring smile. He thanked god for blessing him with his mother. Without her... who knows what his father would've done.

Jungkook sighed and exited his mother's car bidding goodbye to her. He never thought he would ever do this but then again he never thought his mother's boyfriend would go all savage on him either.

As he walked through the hallways he heard things like:

"Omo, is that Jungkook?!"

"He's so handsome!"

"Yah, we should've never made fun of him!"

"Just because he bought new clothes doesn't mean be isn't a freak anymore."

That last comment made Jungkook more insecure. That's until he saw you.

You were talking to Jimin and laughing with him about who knows what. Jungkook's whole world stopped, and the only thing he could focus on was you. How your hair gracefully fell from your shoulder. How you smiled. How you got excited talking about something you loved. How you talked too loud. How you sometimes were too lazy to to do things. Or how your obnoxious laugh echoed through the hallways.

But to him it wasn't obnoxious. He liked it and it sometimes made him question himself. He stopped in his tracks when realization hit him.

His mother's words repeated in his mind. "It is love when you come to accept the flaws of one another."

He loved you. He was now sure he did, and he was now determined to show it. To be the man you deserved to have by your side.

Jungkook walked over to you, and as he got closer you noticed him. You noticed how incredibly handsome his haircut looked on him. How his clothes gave out a different image of him— contrasting his personality.

"Woah, Jungkook! What happened to you?" You asked in awe.

Jungkook felt like throwing up.

"Y-You don't like i-it?" His face saddened and you noticed it.

"What? Of course I do! You look hot." His face lit up and looked at you in the eye.


"No! I mean yes! I- Well.. Yes, hot."

You mentally cursed at your behavior.

"T-Thanks, n-noona." He smiled and you returned it. Right after, the bell rang and students began to enter their corresponding classes.

"Hey, kook. Suga will be having a party today, you should come." You suggested. You didn't enjoy parties that much, simply because the thought of having to go to a place filled of horny teenagers wasn't exactly what you enjoyed. Having Jungkook there, would actually be enjoyable.


You nodded.

"Oh, o-okay."

"Great, I'll pick you up?" He nodded. "Alright well, I have to go to class. See ya."

Jungkook was blushing at this point. He was just invited to a party. His first party. By the girl he loved. Maybe this was the perfect time for him to show her who he is now.


School went by pretty fast. Both Jungkook and you went home separately. Rushing to go get ready, even if there was still hours left.

This night somehow seemed important to you as well. You didn't know why, but you just went with it.

You rushed to your bathroom to take a shower but quickly stopped almost falling forwards. "Wait, is this a date?!? DID I JUST ASK JUNGKOOK ON A DATE?!?"

And that's how you ended up overthinking the whole thing while taking a shower.

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