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Patrick pulled me away from the party and I glanced at Matt quickly to see him looking straight ahead, his jaw tense. Our quick steps lead us to the edge of the party and Pat pointed across the parking lot. "Is that Alana Jacob's?" Pat asked, as I squinted my eyes.

My mouth fell open as rage overtook me. I pulled my hand out of Pat's hand and stormed towards them. "Shelby" Matt said, trying to catch my arm.
Probably trying to stop me.

I didn't listen. I neared them. "You son of a bitch!" I snapped as Alana quickly broke away from Chris to look at me with wide eyes.

My brother also looked at me, shocked at seeing me but guilt covered his features. "And you, wait until I rip into you" I growled at my brother.

He let go off Alana's hand and tried to explain. "I don't want to hear it" I snapped, looking back at Alana.

She stared at the ground. "How dare you! How dare you go behind my back like this! I get we aren't friends anymore but I thought I made it perfectly clear when I said I wanted nothing to do with you, that includes my brother!" I snapped as I felt Pat and Matt stand behind me.

"Its not what you think" Alana quickly spoke up.

I gritted my teeth. "How about you just shut the fuck up Alana! Stay away from my brother, do you hear me? You stupid backstabbing bitch!" I snapped.

"Stop calling her that!" Chris suddenly spoke up.

I turned on him. "And you! I believed in you enough to finally tell you what's happening with me and here you are making out with my current enemy!" I snapped.

Chris flinched. "So much for family!" I exclaimed.

"Shelby! I lo-" he was saying before I cut him off.

"You're supposed to be on the road back to school, looks like you lied about that too! Do not ever talk to me again" I snapped, as my brothers eyes widened.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder. "Shelby, calm down" I heard Matt whisper.

"Yeah! Well you lied to me! You said nothing was going on between you and Matthew, yet here you are!" Alana exploded.

"As friends! Aren't friends allowed to go to a party together?" I asked, stepping forward.

"Look, we all need to cool our heads, everybody just take a step back" Pat said, glancing nervously at the police officer that had taken interest in us.

"I saw the way you two were dancing together!" Alana exclaimed.

Fury flashed through me like nothing I had ever felt, I didn't even know I had made a move before Matthew was pulling me back. Chris took ahold of Alana's arms as she sneered at me. "You are both dead to me!" I yelled.

Pat and Matthew met us and nodded as they took an arm each and pulled me away. "Come on Captain America, let's get you home" Pat said, pulling me back into the dancing.

I fought against him but Matthew jerked my chin to look at him and I instantly relaxed. "To my car" he instructed.

Pat let go of my arm as I shot Chris and Alana an evil glare and turned to walk towards Matt's car.
I sat in the seat, arms crossed and fuming.

Matt started the car. "So maybe that wasn't the night I wanted you to have" he said, mostly to himself.

I sighed and looked out the window as he started driving. "I'm sorry Shelby" he said, his hands tight on the steering wheel.

"It's not your fault" I replied, watching the passing scenery.

"I wanted you to have a good night and it was all ruined, I have one more thing that could salvage this" he said, looking at me.

I turned my head to look at him, confused. "Why are you even bothering Matt? I'm obviously a lost cause, my own best friend betrays me with my brother" I said, my fingers clenching.

"I'm bothering because you are my best friend, and I don't like seeing you sad or angry, so to hell with them.. you need to have fun and I'm going to make sure you have it!" He exclaimed.

I raised an eyebrow. He turned on his indicator and did an illegal u-turn. I gripped the door handle as he turned, a certain passion in his face. "Seriously Matt, don't worry about it, I knew I should have just stayed home" I replied.

"No! Shelby, you have to stop living your life like you're so afraid of the world, you have to experience things and live a little and you can't do that sitting on your lounge, maybe God put me in your path again to show you there's more to life than a TV screen" he said passionately.

He pulled off the main highway into a dirt road. "When my parents died, I shut everyone out, I shut you out and it was the loneliest time of my life, not only had I lost the very reason I exist but I lost the reason I wanted to exist" He said, glancing at me.

"Your brother did a terrible thing but he's your brother and he's family, I've lost my family and I know what that feels like.. don't lose him because of something so stupid!" He exclaimed.

I looked down as I wiped my eyes. This was the most I had ever gotten out of Matt, to see him so sad but passionate about family. "Alana was a bitch to do that behind your back and quite obviously that means she's not your real friend but you aren't alone, you have me and you can annoy me anytime you want!" He exclaimed, as he parked.

We sat on top of a hill, overlooking the city. The lights blinked and blended with the landscape. I wiped at my eyes again. "Shelby" he said more gently.

I looked at him, tears falling down my cheeks. He stared at me for a moment and he closed his eyes. "Everything goes so fast, stay in the moment and enjoy it" he said before opening his eyes.

I took his hand. "This prob-bably seems so st-stupid to you, ha-ving lost you-r-r pare-nts" I stuttered as I cried.

Matt moved closer and cupped my cheek as he brushed away my tears with the pad of his thumb. "I don't think it's stupid" he whispered.

His thumb wiped away a tear close to my lip and I felt it linger. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his closeness. I heard a shuffle but didn't open my eyes and still didn't open them when I felt Matt's lips on mine.

I jolted but didn't move away and he pressed a gentle kiss on my lips. I felt him pull away and I opened my eyes. "Guess we all have our secrets" he replied as I looked at him quizzically.

The last few days, being around him had dug up feelings I had long since buried, but I couldn't help but fall for his charms all over again. I had every reason to believe that he knew what he was doing to me because when our eyes met for almost two seconds in the car that night, a moment passed and suddenly we were kissing.

A broken boy and a girl who thought she had it all. Intertwined by a small single fate of being next door neighbors, a story full of sadness and eventually a new beginning.. but one question remained.

How was this going to end?


Hmmm.. so they're kissing but is one going to regret it? Or maybe they both will?
What do you think,

How will this end?
Any ideas?

What about Chris and Alana? Will they play a role for what's to come for our Shelby and Matt?
So many questions, so many questions without answers.

Did Shelby push it too much when she was yelling at Alana and Chris?
Did Matt's inspirational speech work?

Leave a comment on your thoughts! Don't forget to vote and I'll see you in the next chapter or in another book!

Lots of love, T xoxoxoxoxo

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