24| Moon & Memories

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The night was busy making the moon.

So, she gathered her guilt and softly told her heart 'We'd come back tomorrow'

So, she gathered her guilt and softly told her heart 'We'd come back tomorrow'❞

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"Just so you know, we can't sneak out of here like this, it's really late. Shit's not allowed" I muttered, glaring at his back as he looked down the stairs cautiously, to see if someone was there.

"You clearly are underestimating me here, don't you think?" He glanced at me over his shoulder then nodded, motioning me to follow him.

"Whatever, just let go of me and I'll be on my merry way" I retorted and squirmed when he tightened his grip on my hand and braided our fingers, pulled me down with him.

"You gotta try a lot harder than this" He spoke up in an amused tone, walking downstairs with quiet steps and I, continuing glaring at his back, gritted my teeth. That bitch.

Moonlight started teasing us, giving us a time to time glimpse as we stepped down the last stair, walking towards the big Entrance through the empty hallway, which looked haunted in the dark night.

"Don't make me punch you, I don't even know wh-" He abruptly turned around as his hand came up to my mouth, muffling my unsaid words and roughly pushing me against the wall, cornering me as much as possible.

"You fphuckinf dickh" I began to yell behind his hand, he was inviting his death for sure.

"Shh, he will hear you" He looked at me with warning eyes and glanced towards the Main Entrance again with his hand still on my mouth, lingering on my lips and body caging mine.

"Well then I should yell for sure, you are kidnapping me!" I tried speaking, but my words made no sense muffled by his hand.

"Be quiet, will you?" He gave me a stern expression, looking down at me, then let out a string of curses glancing at the Entrance at god knows what.

I couldn't turn my head even the slightest, so I stood still, staring at him. The dim rays of moonlight flirted with his face as he focused in the direction, his jaw clenched. His eyelashes were long and tender and his eyes glittering lustrously, his lips looked soft pressed up into a thin line and there was a small mole at the corner of his bottom lip beautiful in it's glory.

If you'd look at him, it would be almost invisible, but if you try to see then, yes it was there, shying in the corner yet begging for attention.

I blinked in confusion, when he turned to face me with a serious color painting his face, gently removing his face, he captured my gaze "On the count of three, okay?"

Gulping, I nodded and took a deep breath, when he finally pulled himself off of me. I grimaced when he took my hand again in his and tangled our fingers together, looked at me "One" he counted.

Stepping in front, I peeked and saw no one, just an empty way encouraging us as he words flowed in my ear "Two"

I let out a sigh, bracing myself ready for the next move and expect what was coming "Three"

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