56| Dances & Deceptive

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little does she know

                                                  - he thinks about her too

"God, why didn't I bring my camera? These are some of the wildest animals I've ever seen

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"God, why didn't I bring my camera? These are some of the wildest animals I've ever seen. it needs to  be clicked" Seive mused a moment later, looking around as she was actually in zoo.

"When did you said was the last time you went to one of the college parties?" I asked the girl behind me, looking over my shoulder.

"Almost seven months ago" Seive murmured.

"Well, it's all good. To be honest, nothing ever changes except the drinks and place. Be careful with your steps, every single person you see here is either drunk or high, unless they have some high key party poopers here like me " I chuckled under my breathe.

"Like me too"  she chimed.

She was holding my hand, clinging to me like an infant to his mom and I didn't mind it. I knew that parties and big crowds were not her scene, she just needed a little help to blend in. Needed little company to make her feel comfortable.

The house was packed with giggling girls and guys under the influence of heavy consumption of alcohol. Somewhere at the corner of the living room, a game was going on and the hooting of the students were swaying in the air.

The volume was turned up even higher when some yelled to raise it, making people deaf to other noises but the music.  Everyone had a purple plastic cup in their hand, sipping on their drinks.

As we entered the living area, I spotted Maria standing there with a scowl, what happened? My eyes trailed down to the wet front of her peach colored off shoulder top and found the reason behind that scowl.

She found me peeking at her with what I assume  an amused smile as she hurried in our direction. 

Glancing back at my friend, I whispered  "brace yourself, Sieve"   

"Winterrrr, finally! What took you so long? I was waiting for you and some drunk fucker spilled his drink on me" She came whining like a toddler, before her eyes fell behind me.

I knew what was going in her head, so turning around I smiled at Sieve and went for a little introduction.

"Sieve this is Maria, my friend" I gestured with my hands, before continuing " Mar, meet Sieve" 

Sieve was quiet for like solid six seconds, standing shell shocked as Maria quickly threw me a concerned glance. I simply waved her off.

Finally, recovering from her nervous attack, Sieve offered her hand and said ever so slowly, "Hello, it's pleasure to meet you"

A grin stretched on Maria's face as she took the silver haired girl's hand and replied, "Yeah same, it's always pleasure meeting hot chicks"

Punching her shoulder lightly, I rolled my eyes She was going to scare her away  and stepped to speak, "I was with her, sorry for being late. She's like my guest for tonight"

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