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Once the three Autobots had intervened with Bruticus, and Steven had stopped his guardians from pressing further, things started to simmer down with the groups. The gems unfused back to their three original forms and Combaticons separated back to the five individual selves as well.

To make a point about them not being here to harm anyone, Hot Rod and Jazz told them everything that they needed to know about them. It wasn't any different from what they had told Steven, and they even left out the same details that they had before. Steven already knew more about them then these three, and they didn't intend on letting on any more than that.

Likewise, the gems gave some information of their own. It wasn't a lot considering that Steven had already taken care of most of it, though they did assume that he hadn't told them about his being only half human. Since it wasn't brought up, they left it at letting them think that he was still only human.

While the Combaticons never actually said anything, they had been listening the entire time, wanting to know everything that they could about the creatures that had been able to match their combined forces. It was always wise to learn about your enemies.

"Well, it's nice to see that some of you can be civil." Pearl said to Jazz, before tossing a dirty look at Swindle, "but would you or your friends kindly explain why it was that you were trying to destroy our home?"

"Woah, hold on there. First off, we are not friends." Onslaught said, finally speaking up, "The day that any of us befriend an Autobot is the day I meet the Allspark."

"That could certainly be arranged." Cliff Jumper said, clear disdain in his voice.

"You wanna pick up where we left off Auto-trash?" Brawl said, "Because I have no problem with giving you that lesson in manners I promised."

"Enough, both of you." Hot Rod interrupted, "None of this matters, especially to the natives."

"Wait, you mean you guys aren't on the same side?" Steven asked.

"That's hardly the point right now." Onslaught said, getting back on track, "To answer your question, it was because we were trying to get at that stockpile of energy that seems to be buried behind that thing. With the state of the outside, we thought it was abandoned."

"Excuse me!?" Pearl said, "I will have you know that I have spent many hours making sure that-" Pearl was interrupted when Garnet put her hand up, letting her know that she would take care of things from this point.

"Look, the state of the house is hardly a topic of concern right now." Garnet said, "What I want to know is what you mean by stockpile of energy."

"It's the reason that we're here in the first place." Onslaught went on, "We were sent to find energy, and there was a signature here that is nearly identical to that of energon."

"To what now?" Amethyst asked.

"It's essentially their life's blood." Steven answered, "They and everything that they use run off of it."

"Though, what you are picking up is not what you think. Allow me to explain." Peridot said, having finally recovered from the breakneck speed they had been traveling at. She then projected an image from her gem, showing the robots just what it was she was talking about.

"The energy source that you claim to have picked up, is not actually an energy, but rather is the signature of our own life source. That being our gems." Peridot explained, pointing to her own gem, "It is through these stones that we are able to project ourselves as physical beings. While I'm not at all sure why our gems give off the same signature as this energon you speak of, I can assure that it isn't the same thing."

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