Iacon Under Siege

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"It would seem that these pests have managed to get a little more time." Megatron said through gritted teeth, lowering his cannon, "Seeing as how we have far more pressing matters to tend to."

No sooner did Megatron lower his weapon, did everyone else in the room. With the immediate danger no longer being pointed directly at them, Steven and the Gems all let out sighs of relief. Yes, it was clear that it wasn't going to last, but the immediate danger was avoided for now, and possibly for good. Provided that things with the Autobots didn't go sour as well.

"Onslaught," Megatron said, turning to his underling, "You and the Combaticons will join the fight with our ground troops. I refuse to be taken by surprise any further today."

"Yes, Lord Megatron." Onslaught said, turning to his brothers, "Combaticons, move out."

On the command, all of the Combaticons switched into the vehicle mode, making their way for the exit. With the five of them out of the room, Megatron turned to Optimus once again.

"Don't think that this is over so easily, Prime." Megatron warned, "We will settle this matter once this issue is dealt with."

"I will allow you only this last warning to let this be, and let us deal with them." Optimus said, "Attempt anything else, and you will find any further negotiations to be near impossible."

"We'll see about that." was all Megatron said before casting his optics down at the small beings.

Steven couldn't help but bite his lip at the way the Decepticon leader looked at him. It a look that was all too similar to the ones the diamonds gave him, yet somehow more cold and calculative. As if he was trying to convey the ways he would end him using only his eyes.

With nothing else said, Megatron shifted shape, taking on what looked like to Steven, a sort of jet form. With his vehicle form taken, Megatron's thrusters ignited, and he left the room at an insanely fast speed.

With the source of standoff gone (if only for the moment), the Autobots were able to relax ever so slightly. There was still a battle to be fought, but at least it wouldn't be a complete free for all with every faction.

Yet Hot Rod was quick to remember the reason for the debacle.

"Steven?!" he shouted, "What are you guys doing here? How did you get here?!"

"Questions that do need to be answered, but not here." Optimus said before anything could be elaborated on, "We must take them to the nerve center. It will be safest there. Wheeljack, I need a ground bridge."

"Optimus, with all due respect, do you really think that is the wisest idea?" Perceptor asked, "I realize that our situation is not ideal, but that is our most secure area for a reason."

"It is our only option at the moment, Perceptor." Optimus said, before looking down at the four, "I'm sorry that this is the way we had to meet, but we must see to our planet's defense. Any questions and concerns that you have will be answered afterward."

While the four of them had their doubts about things on this planet, there was something about the way that the Autobot leader spoke that helped put them at a slight bit of ease. His voice was oddly reassuring. Despite it being so deep, it had an almost comforting tone to it. Almost like a parent.

Not long after Optimus made the call to his friend, a large green portal opened up behind all of them.

"Perceptor, you go through first." Optimus told the scientist, "We will join you momentarily."

Perceptor simply nodded, casting one last glance down at their visitors before making his way to the ground bridge. This day had been full of far too many surprises for his liking, so he was looking forward to getting back to his lab.

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