Young and Menace

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Ray was just finishing up cleaning when I came out. "You ready?"he asked. I shrugged and picked up my phone to take it with me. We walked downstairs. "Uncle Fwank!"Bandit squealed and giggled as she walked over and hugged my legs. Lindsey looked up. I picked Bandit up. "Hey, Lady B,"I said and hugged her before putting her back down.

She went back to her toys. Lindsey stood and hugged me tightly. She didn't say anything and didn't pass any judgement which I was grateful. I couldn't take it if she did. I was hurting enough knowing what this was doing to all of them, especially Gerard.

Ray already went outside with the full trash bag. I climbed into the car. I was silent as he drove. He turned the radio on so it was softly filling the silent void. He dropped the trash off at a dumpster and continued on our way to wherever we were headed. I watched out the window as I we pulled into a familiar drive.

"No, Ray, no! I can't do this, I can't,"I said anxiously. My voice was still raspy from not talking. "You can do this and you're going to,"he said and climbed out then waited for me outside the car. I took in a shaky breath. "Why do they want to be around me so bad? I did this to Ryleigh. It'll probably confuse her more by my showing up,"I thought. I sighed and climbed out. Ray didn't ring the doorbell but just walked straight in. I heard the noise of dozens of people talking.

I walked in and closed the door without a sound. I followed Ray to the living room but stood awkwardly in the door way. "Frank,"I heard a male voice behind me. I turned. It was Gerard.

I saw the dark circles under his eyes and the pain in his eyes. I don't know if I can fix this. I wordlessly ran to him and wrapped him in a tight hug. He cautiously and gently put his arms around me as though I might break. "I'm so sorry,"I breathed in a whisper. "You're here now, that's what matters,"he whispered back and let go. "Do you want anything to eat?"Sarah asked as she appeared in the kitchen doorway. I shrugged. She motioned for me to come in there. There was pizza. Probably from Pete.

I took a small slice and sat on a bar stool as I painfully swallowed every bite. I stood to toss the paper plate in the trash. When I turned around, Ryleigh was in the doorway behind me. "Hi,"I whispered awkwardly. She didn't say anything but took small, slow steps towards me before hugging me tightly. "This isn't your fault, Frank. I know what you think but I know what I've been told. You weren't responsible,"she said and let go.

"How are you doing?"I asked awkwardly and refused to make eye contact so I stared at the floor. "I'm doing well. The doctors are impressed with the progress I've made. I was in a wheelchair but through therapy this week I was able to start walking. I still can't remember though,"she said quietly. I nodded.

"I'm sorry,"I whispered. "It's alright. I'm just glad you're here,"she said. I followed her to the living room. She sat in between Josh and Tyler. I took a seat next to Mikey and Gerard. I didn't contribute much to the conversation but listened to most of what was being said until I zoned out hard.

I've been out of the hospital for a week asides from my physical therapy appointments. They got me up and walking so I'm no longer in a wheelchair. Frank hasn't been back by. They assure me it wasn't my fault but that he was dealing with something personal.

I feel responsible though. He went running away the minute I woke up. It confuses me more than not having memories of the things they all remember. I've been spending a lot of time in my room. Occasionally, one of the guys will come up and join me.

I was shocked to hear someone say Frank's name downstairs. I thought I was mistaken and waited awhile as I watched outside my window. It was really cloudy and probably going to rain. Pete had brought pizza. Tyler brought me a slice up when it arrived and ate with me then went back downstairs when I asked for a few moments alone. I decided to go downstairs for a glass of water.

I kept wondering what it was like being on tour but being unable to recall the memories. I stood in the doorway for a few minutes as I saw Frank sitting there. Ray was back too. He must've picked Frank up. He stood to toss his trash in the trash can.

He didn't look too well. The circles beneath his eyes ran deep and he was so skinny. I hope this wasn't because of me. He awkwardly said hi and I wrapped him in a tight hug. I wanted him to know this wasn't his fault. After a short conversation, we went to join everyone in the family room.

I talked with them, my family of world famous musicians. I've grown comfortable with them even if I can't remember. I sat with Tyler and Josh. Frank sat with Gerard and Mikey. I watched as he zoned out hard. Josh brought in a drum from the studio, Brendon had two guitars, Tyler had a ukulele, and Dallon had his acoustic bass guitar. Sarah and Brendon are taking this better than I expected.

They're okay that I don't call them mom and dad right now since I'm still really confused. They want me to be comfortable. I just hate to hurt them. They jammed out for awhile. Around 11, I stood and hugged them goodnight. "Going to bed so soon?"Brendon asked. "Yeah, I'm kinda tired,"I said and offered a small smile before climbing the stairs to my room.

The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now