Far Too Young to Die (II)

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They looked up as I entered the waiting room. "I'm gonna let him rest awhile but he wants you, Breezy,"I said. She nodded and stood to go back to Dallon's room. "You wanna go home for a bit, Ry?"dad asked me. I shrugged and sat beside Gerard and Frank. I slid the notebook into my backpack. I tried to stay awake and listen to the conversation but I was drained in every possible way. I started to doze off on Frank's shoulder.

"Come on, Ry, let's go home to rest for a couple of hours then we'll come back,"Dad said. "Actually, Brendon, if you want to stay Josh and I can take her to the house and stay there for a little bit,"Tyler suggested. I peeked through my barely open eyes.

I could see by dad's expression that he was conflicted. He wanted to be with me in case I needed him but he was also needed here. Mom was asleep next to Jenna. "Dad, it's okay,"I whispered. He nodded and kissed my forehead.

"Let's go,"Tyler said and picked me up bridal style. I leaned my head into his shoulder. Josh grabbed my bag and we went to their car. Tyler put me in the backseat and I slept till we got home. They put me upstairs in my bed. I woke up to darkness around three in the morning. I tried to control my breathing. I had a nightmare about what had happened only the outcome was different and I had to stand and watch while he killed everyone I loved.

I didn't cry but I knew just what I wanted to write with Dallon's song. Dad would check over it, of course, and he would have more say in writing the chords or music. I silently went over to my bag that was on my desk chair. I pulled the notebook out and opened to the page next to Dallon's in case he hated it.

I wrote:

"Don't let me do this to myself

Well I never really thought that you'd come tonight

When the crown hangs heavy on either side

Give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die

Stay Alive through the night

We're far too young to die
Far too young to die"

I jumped out of bed. I wouldn't get any more sleep anyways. I threw on a tour t-shirt, a sports bra and dad's black hoodie over a fresh pair of sweatpants. I brushed my hair and threw it into a messy bun. I threw on a pair of flip flops and ran down the stairs. Tyler and Josh were watching TV.

I jumped at the sight of them. They jumped when they saw me. "What are you doing up?"they asked at the same time as each other and the same time that I asked them the same thing. "I couldn't go back to sleep,"I answered. "Me too,"Josh said and yawned. It was awkwardly silent a minute.

"Can we go back to the hospital now?"I asked impatiently. They looked at me shocked. I guess they didn't think I'd want to be there all the time but Dallon is my uncle/family and one of my closer friends. I needed to show him this song. I finished it. Now he and dad needed to talk about it when he was feeling well enough.

"Are you sure? Ry, it's almost four in the morning,"Tyler said and looked at his phone. "Yeah, Tyjo, it's really important,"I said. "Fine,"he sighed and stood. He patted his pocket for the car keys and we all went out together. Ride played on the radio and we all sang along while Josh airdrummed.

I tried to stay calm as we walked in. Dad was half asleep with his arm around Mom when we got upstairs. Everyone else was entertaining themselves. "I'm gonna go to his room,"I whispered. They nodded and joined the others. I started to run and all I could hear through the corridor was the slap of my feet against the tiles.

"Where's she off to in such a hurry?"Andy asked. "To see Dallon but I dunno why,"he said and then stood to go downstairs for a cup of coffee. Josh went with him. I entered Dallon's room quietly. Breezy was asleep on the visitors couch. To my surprise, Dallon was awake and watching TV quietly. "Hey, Dall,"I whispered. He looked up at me with a questioning look.

"Ry, what are you doing here? You should be asleep, not that I'm unhappy to see you,"he said and patted the space next to him. I sat down. "I couldn't sleep but I finished the song,"I said. His face lit up. "I couldn't either but that's amazing. Let me see it,"he said. He read over what I wrote.

" I've never so adored you
I'm twisting allegories now
I want to complicate you

I'm chasing roller coasters
I've got to have you closer now
Endless romantic stories
You never could control me

Fixation or psychosis?
Devoted to neurosis now
Endless romantic stories
You never could control me

Don't let me do this to myself
Well I never really thought that you'd come tonight
When the crown hangs heavy on either side
Give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die
Stay Alive through the night
We're far too young to die
Far too young to die"

"I really like it. You knew what you were doing, you captured it perfect,"he said beaming at me. I blushed. "We just have to show Brendon if you don't mind showing him,"he said. I nodded. "I'll go get him now,"I said and I was back to running excitedly through the corridor. I came up to dad panting. I need to run more, I'm out of shape and I despise it.

"Dad,"I breathed and knelt over. "Ryleigh?"he questioned and stood as I approached. "Ry, honey, what's wrong? What happened?"he asked panicked and wide awake. "I need you to come with me,"I said and started to pull on his hand. He pulled me to a stop easily. "What? Why?"he asked. "I helped Dallon write a song. We need you to see it. For the new album,"I added as I caught my breath. Then I was running again with Dad following closely behind me.

I held a finger to my lips. He nodded. We entered silently. "Hey, Dallon,"Dad said awkwardly. "Hey, Brendon,"Dallon replied. "Ryleigh said you guys wrote a song?"dad questioned as he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's right here. We have to get the pieces put together and need your opinion,"Dallon said and handed dad the notebook. He nodded and started to read what we had. He crossed out some of what we had at certain parts to what he thought it should be. The result was this:

"I've never so adored you
I'm twisting allegories now
I want to complicate you
Don't let me do this to myself

I'm chasing roller coasters
I've got to have you closer now
Endless romantic stories
You never could control me

Well I never really thought that you'd come tonight
When the crown hangs heavy on either side
Give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die.
Far too young to die
Far too young to die

Fixation or psychosis?
Devoted to neurosis now
Endless romantic stories
You never could control me

Well I never really thought that you'd come tonight
When the crown hangs heavy on either side
Give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die.

Well I never really thought that you'd come tonight
When the crown hangs heavy on either side
Give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die.
Far too young to die
Far too young to die

Well I never really thought that you'd come tonight
When the crown hangs heavy on either side
Give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die.
Far too young to die"

Just like that, Far Too Young to Die was born in the hospital room between Dad, Dallon, and I. We all shared a look. I held my breath. "I think as soon as you're better we'll get to work on the new album. You guys inspired me,"Dad said. I high fived Dallon. "It was mostly Dallon,"I said. "Ryleigh, you did a great bit,"he said and pulled me into a hug. I nodded and tried not to let anymore tears fall as I knew they were welling. I still felt responsible for all that had happened and like maybe they would be better off without me here.

A/N: Hey y'all! I start my senior year Monday. That being said updates will continue to be spacey since I am working two jobs, have band rehearsal three days a week, and am taking harder classes with some of them at the college level. I appreciate your support and I'm going to do what I can to get these published as soon as I can. Much love!


The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now