Chapter 15

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It was a night like any other, with Yujin cooped up in the small practice room and nothing but the sounds of music, heavy breaths, and shoes scuffing the floor filling the emptiness of the night. Yujin had been rigid in her practices this week, for the competition was to be held the following weekend. She couldn't shake off her nerves, but she could not allow herself any room for error. She had to be perfect.

This week especially had been strenuous for her, and she could feel it in every area of her body. She had been wearing herself down for quite some time now. She was now running off of about two hours of sleep, and glancing at the clock she observed that it was already 2 in the morning. She was tired. Nonetheless, she wiped the sweat that was dripping towards her brow, downed the rest of her water, and started the music.

Jungkook had been swamped these past two weeks.

His schedules were packed daily, what with preparing for their new album and learning multiple new choreographed dances and all. He and the guys had wrapped up production for the Save Me music video, but had just begun filming for Fire. The music video was a quite larger scale than their past ones had been, so the production was massive and many shots had to be taken, with long working days.

It was a busy time, indeed. So naturally, he hadn't had time to stop by JYP and scope out his mystery girl. Surprisingly, he had found his mind troubled with thoughts on the girl during breaks between takes, and he'd had to stop himself on multiple occasions. It was an unhealthy infatuation— and he didn't even know what the girl looked like.

Jungkook had been in an upbeat mood today. This, due to the fact that he had been given free time at the end of the day, and could pass by JYP once again. After his schedule had finished rather late in the evening, he'd freshened up and immediately departed towards the entertainment company.

His heart was beating eagerly as he made his way routinely down the once-unfamiliar hallways of JYP. He passed by the rec room Yugyeom had brought him to that fateful night, turning numerous corners until he found himself in the correct vacant hall. His lips tilted into a semi-smile under his mask hearing the faint familiar music echo through the hall as he approached the respective door and glimpsed through the small window.

Yujin ran through the routine rather gruelingly.

With each step she could feel her muscles straining to keep up the activity as her legs quivered with exhaustion. The blisters on her feet were hard to ignore, even as she danced only in her soft socks. Sweat pooled in every crevice of her body and her hair was haphazard as it whipped around with each move she performed.

As she neared the end of her choreography, she prepared for her short leap into the air that would lead into a roll on the floor. It was ordinarily a smooth transition, however Yujin had pushed her body past its limits. So, as she leaped and went to land on the ball of her foot, her strength failed her and she collapsed. Her leg had given out on her once she had shifted her weight onto it during landing, causing her body to tumble onto the cold floor.

Yujin laid on the floor in bafflement, her chest heaving up and down with strained breaths as she attempted to regulate her sporadic heartbeat. It wasn't until a moment later that she registered what had just happened, and in turn the throbbing pain that was bursting through her foot. She grasped her foot in her hands to soothe the ache.

Jungkook watched, his expression mirroring Yujin's stunned one, as he witnessed the very scene. He felt sympathy for the girl, for he'd pushed himself too far on numerous occasions and understood the feeling of persisting forward until physically incapable.

He watched with controlled restraint as the girl attempted to stand back up, but ultimately ended up back on the floor, wanting to assist her so she wouldn't hurt herself further. He watched as the girl clutched her hair in frustration, tugging harshly on the ends of the messed strands.

Jungkook watched as she picked up her phone that had been ringing and hesitatingly answered it. He watched as an altercation broke out between the girl and the person on the other line of the phone, and as the girl began to plead out of desperation. He watched, with his heart constricting, as the girl placed a palm over her mouth to muffle her growing sobs, and as she futilely attempted to gasp out words.

Jungkook's expression held one of visible strife as the girl stared at the, now blank, phone screen she had just pulled away from her ear before hurling it across the room, not bothering to soften her cries any longer. As she tucked her head between her legs and rocked her trembling, curled up form in the middle of the dark, empty room, Jungkook wanted nothing more than to burst through the door. He wanted to take her small form within his arms and hold her, console her, comfort her until she was okay.

But what was he supposed to say to her? Was he to divulge the fact that, for many nights, he had silently watched her unsuspecting form?

Jungkook felt his heart sink to his stomach seeing the mystery girl he'd become so fond of so quickly in so much pain. He couldn't bear the sight any longer.

So he left.

He left with worries and conflictions clouding his mind, his heart, and his entire being. He left Yujin's dejected and depressed form alone in the desolate practice room. He left her as she mourned her hopes and dreams and grieved over lost time, for all her practicing was in vain.

Yujin's mother had found out, and now it was over.


THE song thats always mentioned in the story is the one I put above, check it out they're amazing artists

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