Chapter 36

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Yujin's POV

I'd left the room with Bang Si Hyuk and JYP around 10 minutes ago to rejoin the group of boys backstage since the performance was due to start any minute now. While wandering down a particular hall, I could here a commotion resonating from the end of it.

I rounded the corner, stilling at the sight of Sooji standing with her hands held out defensively, her back arched over the counter that was behind her. Two rather burly bodyguards were closing in on her, several others lining the edges of the area in case she attempted escape. I crept back slightly, silently onlooking from the sidelines.

"Please, miss, either you cooperate with us or we'll have to resort to force." One of the men urged. Sooji's eyes were wild, blazing, as she observed the countless men that surrounded her.

"I haven't done anything wrong! What is this about?" She exclaimed, backing herself into a corner.

The other man that was closer to her responded. "If you'll just comply, we will gladly explain the situation."

Sooji shook her head frantically. "No. No, I'm not going anywhere." The initial man stepped forward and reached out to grab at her but she swatted it away roughly. "Don't touch me!" She yelped.

The men gave dismal sighs, sharing a look and a nod, before nearing her more. They moved slowly, as if she were a deer in headlights ready to scanter off at the slightest hindrance. I watched as Sooji's hands searched frantically behind her on the counter, a sick grin working itself onto her face as she whipped a pair of scissors in front of her.

I couldn't help the gasp that I let out as I witnessed her attempt to slash at one of the bodyguards with the sharp metal. The moment startled me so much that I faltered a step on my crutches and stumbled rather noticeably. At my noise, her piercing gaze planted itself on my form.

"You." She spat, loathing and animosity dripping from her words. When the guards tried to move closer, she'd slice the scissors in their direction. She pointed them threateningly in my direction. "You did this."

I gulped before fully stepping out of my spot. I wasn't going to allow her to believe I was a coward, she would not get to see me afraid of her. Plus, I had around 6 other men around me ready to spring into action. I cleared my throat, raising my eyebrows and widening my eyes as I feigned innocence. "Did what?"

Sooji was seething. "I know this is your fault, you bitch!" She lurked forward with her scissors ready to draw blood, but the two men were able to detain her, hands behind her back. She dropped the weapon on the floor as a result. I took cautious steps forward as her stare continued to burn through me. "You think you won? Ha!" She laughed bitterly. "You know nothing."

"Oh?" I mused. I stepped closer and closer until I was directly in front of her. I ignored the precautious words of the bodyguards around me telling me to stay back as I, instead, bent my legs to stand squat in front of her as she was held towards the floor. "And what is it that I don't know? Hm?" I leaned in closer so that only she could hear. "You think just because you forced your tongue down my boyfriend's throat that he felt something for you? That you two had a moment? He will never love you."

Sooji screeched as her anger intensified. She thrashed desperately in the men's arms, causing a smirk to take my features at her vulnerable state. She deserved this.

"You fucking bitch! I'm going to destroy you!"

I scoffed, standing back up and readjusting my crutches. "As if. I'd like to see you try." I looked at the guards who were holding her. "Get her the hell out of here."

The men nodded, standing her up so they could properly restrain her hands. In doing so, however, they loosened their hold slightly which allowed her to slip from their grasp. Before I knew it, Sooji had immediately dashed at me and threw me against a wall. She had a crazed look in her eyes as her hands wrapped around my neck and began to squeeze mercilessly.

I choked and sputtered as her fingers clamped down on my trachea, obstructing my air pathway. She maniacally chuckled. "You thought the damage I did before was bad? I can do so. much. worse. You'll get what's coming to you." Even as the guards pried her off of my body the smile never left her face. "You're never safe."

I took a moment to regain composure, heaving heavy breaths of air as my lungs refilled. I ran some fingers over my neck, hissing at the pain that came from applying subtle pressure. I glared at Sooji, waving off a guard who offered to assist me. "Have fun rotting in prison." How would she expect to come after me from a prison cell? She was just trying to get in my head, and I refused to let her.

When Sooji was carried away, the rest of the guards followed suit, leaving me to myself in the now calm setting. I took another intake of air and ran a hand through my hair, settling myself and my erratic heart rate before returning on my previous path.

I made sure to cover the bruises on my neck with my long hair. Though I would fill everyone in on the past happenings, it would have to happen later. I couldn't drop such a bomb seconds before their show, it would only throw them off their game.

Eventually, I found myself at the correct door. I knocked a few times before cracking the door open a sliver and peaking my head through. "Knock knock. Can I come in?"

The door was thrust open for me and I happily swung myself into the room. All of the guys were dressed and ready, makeup done and hair styled perfectly. They all had matching outfits, with certain embellishments distinguishing them between groups. Yujin observed them all with pride and adoration swelling in her chest.

"I just wanted to wish you guys good luck. It's truly been an honor to work for you, and I wanted to thank you all for this amazing opportunity as well as for all of your hard work." I bowed as best as I could with my crutches. Yoongi saddled up beside me, hooking an arm around me to help me stand. I shot him an appreciative look after he pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

"From all of us, thank you, Yujin-ah. You seriously outdid yourself during this past month, and I really enjoyed being able to spend more time with you. I missed you, baby sis." He grinned his gummy smile as I pouted.

"Who're you calling 'baby'?" I grumbled and all of the guys fawned over the scene. I rolled my eyes, but smiled nonetheless.

"Time to go! 30 seconds!" A manager rushed through the room, pressing a com to their ear as they began ushering the idols out of the room.

Jungkook fell to the back of the line and I met him there. He scrutinized me, eyes trained on something besides my face, before he met my gaze. His stare softened as I smiled encouragingly at him.

"Go kill 'em." I motivated.

He finally allowed a small, hesitant smile to show before nodding. "For you." With one final peck on the lips, he was out the door.


long overdue, i know, but wattpad wasn't working for a solid week. i was tweaking.
an update is coming tomorrow as well i pRoMiSE

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