30.Losing someone

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The day when we realised that it will soon be the end of the everything then we began thinking of the things we could've done rather than neglecting the things which we have got.

One call made me realize that life is small and it doesn't work like we want but we need to work the way it is.

I was happy that everything will soon be on it's place and there was only seven months left to get over the jerk but the happiness soon left my side.

"Miss. Are you still there?" A lady asked from the other line.

"Uh. I'm listening." I replied in a shaky voice.

"We're sorry for the loss of your grandma. We need you to come and sign some papers then you can take the...." The line ended giving a beeping  sound as I press the end button.

Tears shed from my eyes like a nonstop waterfall. I had been crying since I had found out that I could no longer be with my granny. I could no more hear her stories, tease her about her love for grandpa, share her my secrets and scold her for not taking medicine at time.

I was so busy with my work and my unfortunate marriage that I couldn't got the time to spend with her. I would visit her once a month and she would told me that I need to live life to fullest. She had told me that she was more than happy that I got someone in my life who would love me till the end.

And I haven't tell her about the marriage ordeal as not to break her heart, cause she was happy to see her choco as a married woman. She would always tell me that I would get someone who would love me till death and would made me forget every sadness of my life as he will be the happiness in my dull life.

Only if she knew that the whole marriage thing is for a year only. I haven't gotten someone you have described grandma. It's only perfect for the fairy tale but the reality sucks like hell.

I remembered when I had received the phone call from the hospital and I had literally drove like a mad woman to reach there in less than fifteen minutes. I was so unlucky that I couldn't  even talk to her for the last time.Till the time I reach there she was already saying goodbye to everyone.

The last person she spoke to was Shaub. As I open the door, I saw him holding her hand sitting near the bed in the chair. I was about to say that she can't leave me soon but she took her last breath giving me a look of sadness.

I then ran to her side and started performing  CPR. No, granny! You can't leave like that. You need to be strong and come up like the bravest woman you're.

My mind couldn't registered the fact that she is no more alive and that freaking machine too couldn't bring her back to us. But like a mad woman I performed the CPR in the hope of seeing her alive.

"Enough! Shalifa! You're hurting." Shaub yanked me towards him holding my left arm which made me to brush on his hard chest but I pushed him away moving to the grandma side.

"Granny! You can't...lea..ve. Cho..co need yo..u." I said breaking down in front of her lifeless body while holding her cold hands and then tears started slipping from my eyes.

"You told me that you would always be there but now you. Grandpa too left me and now you too. It's not your time to go. You...." I said wiping the tears and sounding strong but my  voiced cracked and I could not control the tears that were threatening to fall.

I so want to become strong as mom, dad, Syong all were crying their heart out. Mom could not control herself that dad need to held her till she clam down. Dad gave me a sad smile saying it's alright but he too could not control the lone tear that escaped through his eyes. Same was the case with Syong, he was standing in the corner and trying to act clam.

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