44.Disastrous Dinner

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"Bell! Do I need to come over? Is Alex there with you?" I asked in a concerned voice hoping that she is okay.

"Choco! It's a mild fever and Alex is down the kitchen making me soup and you don't need to come cause you need to attend the medical conference, remember?" Bell replied sounding weak and after talking with her for a while and asking her to rest, I ended the call.

A while ago Alex had called me asking me to send him the recipe to make soup and when I asked him further he told me that Bell has got a fever and she had called him early in the morning to call him over. At first I was disappointed as my bff didn't call me when she needed me but then Alex reason out that she didn't want me to be late for the conference.

And talking about it, it will be starting in ten minutes so I grabbed my phone and unlocking the car, I get out and step inside Peter's hotel where the conference will be held with the presence of the top doctors, business associates, medical associates and few government officials.

I passed the keys to the chaperone and entered the lobby. I looked around in hope of finding someone I know but all I saw was the strangers. So I walked to the reception desk and asked the beautiful lady about the medical conference.

"Mam, can you please tell me your name?" The burnet asked me with a beautiful smile.

"I'm Dr.Shalifa Velour. I a-" I was saying with a small smile playing on my lips when a voice came from behind and poke in between.

"No. It's Dr.Shalifa Shaub Reghen." A husky and familiar voice said from behind and I turn around to find the jerk giving me a playful smirk which made me to glare at him.

"Don't listen to him? Anyway, can you show me the way?" I asked sounding little irritated and impatient.

"Thanks Laibya. I will take her." The jerk said snaking his hand on my waist and gave me a smug look.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hissed trying to free his hand but he tighten his grip and pulled me closer while gazing intensely at my face.

"I'm too here for the conference and I'm accompanying you, my love." He said in a playful voice and walked ahead but I stop in my track and was about to yell at him when an old lady gave me a nasty glare.

"Oh! What a handsome young man!" She chirped eyeing Shaub hungrily which was a disgusted sight to see as she was old enough to be his grandmother but no, she was shamelessly flirting with my jerk.

My jerk!? God! What's wrong with me?

"....Aww that so sweet of you and let me introduce you with my daughter. She...." A gorgeous woman with a blonde hair walk towards us like a Victoria secret model and gave a seductive look to Shaub.

Shaub too gave a flirty grin to her and return the hug with me still at his side and not to forget the tight grip he have on my waist. Mother was not enough so now the daughter too is shamelessly batting her eyelashes at him.

I roll my eyes with a disgusted look and then thought of freeing from his hold but no the jerk didn't let me go. What the hell he is trying to do? I had a very good week without his presence but now he is not letting me go.

He had been sending me presents with a message written on the card and had continuously called me but I had ignored his every approach and now he is ignoring me by openly filtering with these two woman when I'm trying to get rid of him.

"Asshole." I muttered underneath my breath while boring hole on the side of his head.

"Shaub! If you are doing this to make me jealous then you have got the wrong move. So let me go." I lost my patience and with luck I get rid of him.

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