Chapter 21. Feelings

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Evan's POV

The hybrid was mad or perhaps had gone rabid. His eyes were a blazing fire to kill his prey. He struggled hard to get out of my hold so he could attack me but then all of a sudden, he stopped wriggling and his orbs turned to forest green. His whole focus was on the person beside me, I knew who it was, I felt her presence the moment she came here.

"James" Elina's whisper was hardly audible for any human ear but not for me. Her face looked utterly shocked as she stared at the hybrid. His expression mirroring hers.

"Elina. You, here? How?" the hybrid finally rambled after staring at Elina for a good five minutes.

I wanted to punch him but refrained from doing so after looking at both of their shocked expression.

Do they know each other?

"You two know each other?" I asked the hybrid(James) and Elina trying to sound as calm as possible.

They both looked at each other and then me.

"He" Elina looked down, fiddling with her fingers.

Why does she look so nervous?

"We used to love each other," James said with an annoying smirk etched on his bloody face. Elina was still looking down, she didn't do anything to deny his statement which itself confirmed it.


Elina loved James, James loved Elina.

They both were lovers?

What the.... I was trying to control my anger. I can't kill the bloody hybrid if I want to get information about the main person behind this charade. The fact that Elina loved this man did nothing to ease my temper.

Every time I tried exerting pressure on James' neck, Elina would flinch, tears forming in her beautiful eyes. I know she still cares for this man. The thought that she might still love him upset me.

"Take him to the dungeons!" I ordered the guards with a high pitched voice that they almost flinched. Nevertheless, they took the hybrid away in a minute.

"Ladies and Gentleman, forgive us for the scene. You can continue with the party." And just like that, the party continued like nothing happened.

I bolted out of the ballroom to the carriage after telling Stephen and Olivia to get Elina along with them when they returned.

As soon as I reached the mansion, I threw my overcoat on the floor, laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling processing the information I got today.

We both loved each other

The words kept spiralling in my mind. I clenched my fists tightly.

I don't really understand why I feel so attracted to Elina. Ever since I met her for the first time in the woods, I just couldn't stop thinking about her. She was so full of fury, sweetness and fun which amused me to no end. I even said the council to send her the job offer for being my assistant. Yeah, I knew that she needed a job because I sent people to gather information about her. Then every day, I felt more and more attracted and connected to her. At first, I thought it was just an infatuation since Elina was damn pretty for a normal girl. But that wasn't the case, I have always had the urge to protect, embrace and love her.

Even when I kissed her, I didn't regret it. I wanted to kiss her the moment I saw her in the garden instead refrained from doing so. But you see, I am not very good at controlling. And ended up doing what I felt right.

I was so busy with my thoughts that I didn't even realise that it was already midnight. I stood up from the bed and went near the window.

The carriage was already standing out next to mine that meant Stephen, Olivia and Elina returned. By looking at the time, it looks like they returned long back and must be sleeping.

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