Chapter 34. Time

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Elina's POV

One month.

Almost one month of this absolute torcher.

In the last one month, every week the queen bought one of her new witches to this cellar where they experimented their filthy black magic on me and Jacob.

Every week, a new woman--who's absolutely delusional because she sacrifices her family for black magic-- comes by and almost kill me with their so-called black magic. And worst of all, they enjoy it.

Jacob asured that he's used to this kind of thing which makes me shiver. He's here from almost a century. I don't know how he bared it all these years. But then he is doing all this for Claire. One thing I have come to know about Jacob is that he loves Claire more than anything.

Every day after the witches were finished with their torcher and left, Jacob would tell me about the vampires, werewolves and witches.

After hearing him, I realise that I certainly don't know anything about them except their abilities and Jacob on other hand is like a supernatural historian.

He said about a certain woman who's the queen of all supernaturals. She is known as The Ultimate Queen. Her name is Mellisa Castellejo. She's a crossbreed, a really powerful one at that and she's unknown to the supernaturals except for the royal families.

Jacob knew about her since she was Claire's close friend and they both used to usually visit her. Jacob was part of the prophecy and he didn't pose as threat to Mellisa so she didn't hide her identity in front of him and that was the reason how he was aware of her presence in the first place.

I also came to know an interesting thing. There's a human realm!

The humans over there aren't even aware of vampires, witches or any of the kind. The supernaturals realm--where we stay--and the human realm are joined by a portal and the location of the portal is only known by Mellisa and the royal families.

There are supernaturals who reside in the human realm but they are restricted from revealing their identity there.

About humans from the supernatural realm, if, even by mistake, any human crosses the portal and enters the human realm, he will never be able to come back or should I say, the person will forget every single thing related to the supernatural realm or vice versa. They might as well forget about their family and get lost there. That's the reason why humans are kept unknown about this piece of information.

Now that I think about it, I am informed about all these just because I am Evan's mate. And that makes me miss him.

It's kind of weird that out of all people, Evan's the one I have missed the most.

At first, I have even expected him to show up and get me and Jacob out of this damned cellar but then Jacob said that it won't be possible for anyone to show up here since the whole place we are in, is surrounded with a lot of black magic. We can't escape either because of the same reason.

All in all, we are trapped in here for god knows how long.

Author's POV


Queen Diana made her way out of the throne room, the heels of her shoes clicking on the marbled floor as she headed towards the palace's exit door.

Ariel who stood a few feet away from the main door, spotted the queen going out. She followed Queen Diana without anyone's notice.

Reaching at the backside of the palace, Queen Diana waved her hand in the air gesturing a disguised Stephen and Olivia to follow her.

They trailed behind without a word secretly giving a spying Ariel an assuring nod which said 'we'll take the matters from here'.

Queen Diana stopped walking once they were in the garden, Ariel watched as the queen lifted her palms over her head and just like everyday, she disappeared but this time with a disguised Stephen and Olivia.

After one month of constant trying, they were finally going to find Elina.


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