Chapter 2: Past Tragedy

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It was dark and that's all you could see, complete darkness that was all around you, you were confused of what's going on as you looked around and saw nothing but endless dark that was surrounding you.

Y/N: W...Where am I...?

You said to yourself as you continue to look around you, then all of a sudden you start to hear noises of people screaming in terror and you were now on a busy traffic street that was packed with vehicles, you were even more confused of what's going on around you.

Y/N: W-What the...what's going on here...?!

You then saw people on the ground, laying there dead with blood spilled everywhere, some was crushed under some concrete and some were laying on there own pool of blood, you were shocked of what you were seeing.

Y/N: Oh my god...

You then heard a loud explosion behind you, you turned around and saw two big tower buildings in front of you and both were on fire and the windows on the towers was exploding as some pieces of the buildings started to fall straight down at you.

Y/N: Shit!

You quickly start to run away from the two big tower buildings behind you so you don't get hurt or worse die, as you ran away the two buildings behind you started to collapse down towards you, you keep running away through the traffic packed streets that you we're in as you heard loud noises behind you.

Y/N: Damnit...damnit! This can't be real!

You said as you continue running away, while you were running you saw an airplane that was flying at high speed straight towards you, you saw this as you stopped in place, you looked behind you as you saw the building still falling down towards you, you turn back to the plane that was still flying down towards you, you just stood there in fear as you couldn't escape from this nightmare your in.

Y/N thoughts: I'm gonna die...I'm gonna die...

You continue to stood there in terror as you got ready for your end to come, once the building and the plane reached were completely woken up in your bed as you sat up sweating and breathing heavily.

Five-seven: M-Master? Are you okay?

You didn't reply to her as you sat there in shock while you were sweating and breathing heavily a lot, Five-seven then pull you towards her as she hugs you tightly with your face between her breast.

Five-seven: Master please calm down, your really sweating a lot...

Y/N: F-Five-seven..?

You then look up at her as she had a worried expression on her face of what happened to you, you then started to calm down as you closed your eyes and rested your head on Five-seven's breast.

Y/N: I-I'm sorry...I just...

Five-seven: Its alright was only a nightmare, your fine now

She said as she wrap her arms around you hugging you tightly, you then hug her back as you calmed down a bit more from your nightmare you just had.

Five-seven: Are you alright now Master?

Y/N: Y-Yea, thank you Five-seven...


Moments past as you were sitting on the edge of the bed with Five-seven sitting beside you, she asked you what nightmare you had but you felt uneasy telling her, you know her for a week now and she's been protecting you and looking out for you from the past week and she's also your weapon when ever your in trouble in a gun fight.

Five-seven: If you don't mined me asking you...what were you dreaming about...

Y/N: I...I don't...think I'm comfortable talking about...

Five-seven: Its alright, you can trust me...whatever that nightmare you can its not real.

Y/N: But it was....

Five-seven: H-Huh?

You then took a deep breath as you try to be calm about the terrible past tragedy you had when you were really young back then with your parents in New York.

Y/N: I guess I can tell you about it, since you took care of me for the past week.

You said to her as she smiled in response to you, you then tell her about the horrible event that happened when you were young in New York.

Your POV

"I was 10 months old back then in New York on September 11, 2001...I was with my parents to visit some family members there because they were busy with work, we then spend some time around the city to look around, New York was a busy city and a beautiful place....and then it happened, everything was completely in chaos, people were screaming, loud noises....everything was a mess...I didn't understand what was going on, my dad picked me up and just started running away...then I looked up and saw two tall buildings far off, one of the building was on fire...and then...I saw...people jumping off the building...I didn't know what was happening...until I grew up....a lot of people died that day...and I couldn't do anything about it..."

You finished telling Five-seven the story of what happened when you were young as she was in shocked of what she heard, she then went close to you and hugged you tightly.

Y/N: Every time this particular Month and Day comes...I have that nightmare of what happened that time...I just can't get rid of it...

Five-seven: I'm so sorry of what happened Master...

Y/N: I just wish I could just do something to prevent it from happening...but I just watched it happened...

Five-seven: Its not your fault Master, you were really young back then...and you were less experienced of what was happening, besides...I'm sure your not the only one that wish that time never happened...

She said as you rested your head between her two soft breast as you slowly start to get sleepy.

Y/N: Hay Five-seven...what time is it...?

Five-seven: Its 11:30 at night...

Y/N: Do you mind if you sleep with me? I feel a lot save when your around...

Five-seven: *giggles* Hehe~ Of course, after all...I am your first~

She said in a seductive tone voice as you sweat drop of what she said.

Y/N: Please don't do anything weird while I'm asleep...

Five-seven: Hehe, no promises~


Please pray for the lost of the many people on New York city September 11, 2001, I was only 10 months old when it happened and I didn't even now what was happening until I got older, and I was in Washington D.C. when it happened too so yea, until then I'll see you in the next Chapter, Bye-bye!

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