Chapter 42: Feast Before Dawn

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New Years Eve, only a few more hours until the New Year 2020 gets here. Right now you were heading towards Kryuger's office to discuss something important, something about...oilrigs? Anyway, as you made through the hallways of the mansion, you realize that the entire place is...quiet, usually your girls would be up and about, doing random things or just have friendly conversations towards one another...but, everything is quiet....

Y/N: Weird...where is everyone?

You asked yourself as you continue walking through the hallways of the mansion while wondering where all of the girls went, you then finally reached the entrance of Kryuger's Office, you then knocked on the door for permission to enter.

Female Kryuger: You can come in Y/N

You heard the still "Female Kryuger" said, you then open the door to her office as you walked in, once you did you only saw Female Kryuger in her office behind her desk doing paper work, no one else was in her office besides you and "her"

Y/N: Hey Mister Kryuger, you uhh, wanted to see me?

Female Kryuger: Yes, I did, a few hours ago an unknown contract hired us a good amount of payment to investigate an oilrig just off the coast of Alaska, even though this is from an unknown contract we can't afford to ignore a good payment

Y/N: How much we talking about?

Female Kryuger: 700,000 dollars, of course you'll earn some of it, look I know its New Years Eve, but I need you to assemble a team, you'll be deployed tomorrow at 3 in the morning

Female Kryuger said, you were a bit skeptical about this also a bit bothered by it too, waking up early in the morning tomorrow at 3 on New Years Day? That's gotta be a pain, mostly everyone would be sleeping late or go gather with family members, you just sigh in response.

Y/N: *sigh* Early in the morning on New Years Day? Come on Kryuger, give some slack here...

Female Kryuger: I wish I could kid, but the unknown contractor said this one is urgent, in the meantime; you can go celebrate New Years Eve with your girls

Female Kryuger said as you just sigh, you then walked our of Kryuger's Office as you sigh once more, you then started walking around the mansion again.

Y/N: Ugh....tomorrow morning huh? least the payment is good, now I just to see who wants to volunteer to go with me on this....not to mention get some winter gear since its gonna be cold as hell up in Alaska...

You said to yourself as your through the mansion, you started heading towards the 404 girls room to see if they can assist you on your new assignment, once you arrived at there room door you then knocked on it and wait for a response.....but no one did.

Y/N: no one in there? 45? 9? You girls in there?

You questioned as you knock on there room door again and wait for a response, yet again no one did, you then turn the knob on there door, opened it and yet inside, once you did; the room was empty, the 404 girls weren't in there room, heck even G11 wasn't on her bed sleeping which that's what she does all day is sleep on her bed.

Y/N: Okay...there not here...even G11 is not in here, she hardly gets out of bed for anything....well, unless if it has something to do with me then yea, she does get out of bed...

You then walked out of the 404 girls room and close the door, you then went to AR Teams room to see if there in there room, once you arrived to there door room you then knocked on it and wait for a response....but sadly there wasn't any

Y/N: There not in there too? M16? SOP? You girls there?!

You yelled outside there room to see if they hear you, you didn't hesitate to open the door to there room and enter, once you did, it was empty.

Y/N: Okay...I'm starting to freak out here...where the hell is everyone?!

You exclaimed, you then run out of AR Teams room and started going through every room of your girls of the mansion to find them, after you search room to room, you find all of them empty.

Y/N: Gone, gone....ugh! Where is everybody?! Its like they all disappeared out of thin air!

VEGA: Please calm down master...

Y/N: Huh?

You heard a familiar voice, you then took the Phone out of your pocket as you held it in your hand.

Y/N: VEGA! oh thank goodness, do you know where the girls are?

VEGA: Of course, there in the living room.

VEGA casually said as you then facepalm yourself for being an idiot of not checking the living room, you then sigh as you put the Phone back in your pocket.

Y/N: Thanks VEGA, *sigh* the one place I didn't think of checking...

You said to yourself as you then hurried to the living room, once you arrived the entry inside, you didn't waste anytime opening the double doors, once you made it inside you stop in place to examine your surroundings, the 404 girls, AR Team, the Neko Squad, all of them were in the living room setting our food and getting ready for the New Years Eve Feast

M16: Jeez, looks like someone was in a hurry to get here

M4A1: Are you okay master? You look like your sweating...a lot...

M4A1 said as she was right, you were sweating, not to mention almost out of breath, you were running around the mansion looking for the girls and you didn't stop looking around either.

Y/N: Well...I uhh...I thought your know what nevermind, why are all of you girls doing here in the living room anyway?

Five-seven: Huh? You didn't get the news master? Were having a New Years Fest here in the living room also counting down to the New Year.

Y/N: Oh....uhh...I see...

FAL: Wait...UMP40 didn't tell you about this?

Y/N: UMP40? I haven't seen her all day...

You said you then hear another door open that lead towards the kitchen you and the girls then saw UMP40 carrying a big turkey that is roasted and ready to eat.

UMP40: Turkey is ready everyone~ I'll go tell master now about the- oh! Master your here!

UMP40 said as you and the girls sweat drop that now that they know where UMP40 was all day, roasting the turkey in the kitchen.

RO635: least we know where she went...

Y/N: Heh...well, I am getting "kinda" hungry with all this food I smell...also does anyone know where G11 is?

HK416: Oh the sloth? She's over there sleeping with that body pillow of you in the corner over there...

HK416 said as you turn your attention to where she was saying, you then saw G11 sleeping on a small sofa, cuddling with her body pillow of you half-naked

Y/N thoughts: She still has that?!


Happy New Years Eve everyone, hope all of you have a good year in 2020, nothing much happening in this Chapter but the next one will be, until then I'll see you in the next Chapter, bye-bye!

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