14: Rogues.

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Alex's P.O.V

"Alex! Come here!" I heard Lilly's annoying ass voice. She came up to me and slung a arm around me, but I just keep stairing at where Violet's bike was at.

"Go away Lilly." I said. She didn't budge. Instead she clinged more to me. I turn my head to her and glare.

"I said. Go. Away." I say in my alpha tone, this time she leaves with a glare. I walk over to Alpha Simons pack house. I take a deep breath as I knock on the door. It was opened by Tim.

"What do you want?" Tim asks.

"I want-" I was cut off by a siren that notified us when rouges are coming. I saw Tim and the others rush around throughing weapons to each other.

"Ok guys, we hold them off but don't kill the leader, that's reserved for Violet. I already called her." Alpha Simon said. They all nodded and rushed out of the house and over to where my pack was. I followed quickly.

"Where is Violet?" I asked Rachel. She shrugged, and pulled out a gun with silver bullets.

"She will be here." She finally said. I nodded and the routes came out of the forest. Alpha Simons pack turned into their wolf's, all of them a dark color.

"Awww come on Simon, where is Violet? I really need to see her." A dark voice came. Simon looked at the woods and glared.

"It's time for her to make a choice." The voice said again. I growl along with August.

"Your not getting her." I growl out.

"Aww it's so cute that you think you can stop me." The voice says and the rouges all started to attack relentlessly Simons pack shifted into their wolf's,  most of them dark colored. 

Simons pack attacked back with the most power I have ever seen, them killing most of the rogues while my pack can't even get close to one, eventually me and my pack just stoped trying and looked at them in awe. They are amazing, it's like they know every move that the rogues are going to make before the rogue does.

Then a huge dark brown wolf comes out of the woods, his size is almost twice the size of a alpha wolf. Simon's pack stop to look at him after they kill all of the rogues.

"Conner. What don't you get?! She is not here and you are not getting her!" August yells at him after changing back to his human form.

"I will get what ever I want. Mutt." Conner speaks with authority and power in his voice. How is he talking in his wolf form?!

"Oh Conner.... When will you give up? I mean really. You won't beat me." I heard a dominic voice say. Violet came a stands right next to me staring at conner and growling loudly in warning. I look at her then back at Conner.

"Violet. What a pleasing surprise, for a second I thought you wouldn't show up." Conner says as he focuses on Violet. I glared at him, only I can stare at my mate.

Suddenly I hear clothes ripping beside me, I look over and see Violet in her wolf form. Her brilliant black fur and red eyes. Leo my wolf gets excited at the sight of his mate.

'Mate. Let me be with mate.' He says.

'Not now. I think something is about to happen.' I say back he immediately calms down and relaxes but is still very happy about being near his mate.

"Well I hate to disappoint. What do you want?" Violet says. Great she can talk in Wolf form to!?

"I want your power. I bet your parents have told you that people would kill for your power." Conner says and I growl protectively that the throught of someone hurting Violet.

"Yes they did tell me that and I will take that risk." Violet growled out ignoring me. Black flames went up around Conner and he softly gasped in suprise.

"I see you learned to control your flames Violet. Did daddy teach you that or did mommy?" Conner asks in a baby voice making Violet lash out and the flames seem to attack him by growing bigger and wraping around him making him howl in pain.

"My dad taught me. I have been visiting him every morning to be straight forward." She yells out and her left eye grows brighter. She stalks towards him and once close enough she slashes him across the face leaving a deep gash across it. When she is right up next to him you can see that her wolf is much bigger then his. With a strong build and long sharp razor-lile claws.

"You will never have my power. You will never beat me. You can never do anything to me." Violet says loudly in a demonic voice, making three demons appear. They seem to be guards because they get around her protectively.

This didn't go down well with Leo because he takes over and growles at them as he runs up to Violet. The guards look at me and summon weapons warning me off. I growl but step back as I take back control.

'Don't do that Leo, we don't know what we are dealing with.' I growled at him.

'I don't like that they are that close to mate.' He replied.

'I don't like it either but they are protecting her.' I argued back.

'We should be protecting her.' He said.  I couldn't find a comeback to that so I just shut my mouth and pushed him to the back of my head, refocusing of Violet.

"Boys. Go away I can take care of this." Violet says sternly to the demons, they nod.

"As you wish princess." They all say and teleport away. Violet goes back to Conner and attacks hin again using the flames to limit his ability to attack and slashing him every few seconds. She sighs in boredom.

"You are not as intresting as I hoped." She says looking at him dissapointed, she makes the flams vanish and I finally get a good look at what she did. The rogue was laying on his side barely moving let alone breathing. He had half of his face riped off and the other side was barely recognizable. He had blood all over and was laying in a puddle of it.

"Al- I mean Violet, we have to talk. Now." August said correcting himself at the beginning. She glares at him but nods and follows him to their pack house. I follow as well, I don't trust him around her.

(Thanks for reading!  Sorry it took so long I had a really bad writer's block. Anyway remember to comments it really helps!)

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