23: down to hell

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Alex P.O.V

It's now the day that me and Alpha Simon are going down to hell with Violet and Sean. To be honest I'm scared shitless. I don't know what to expect down there or if I'm going to be killed the second a demon see's me.

"Ok, so when we go down there you are going to need to stay close to either me or Violet. Do not disrespect anyone or anything. Do not pet or touch any hell hounds, they will eat you if they feel you are doin anything they don't like. And last but not least do not ever go anywhere with out me or Violet." Sean said some of the many rules he has been telling us for the last couple days. We nod.

"Sean! We ready?!" Violet shouts from the stairs as she walks over to us. She is wearing ripped black jeans, combat boots, a tank top that says 'Devil's little Girl' on it and her leather jacket.

"Yeah we are. Follow us boys." He spoke with no emotion. We follow them as we where told. We end up in the middle of the forest when we stop. Violet draws a satanic symbol in the dirt then pulls pit her knife that I figured out was named Soul as she looks at Sean.

"Ready?" She asks him. He nods motions us to stand in the symbol with them as he holds out his arm. We step into the symbol as Violet cuts just deep enough to draw blood put of Sean and her's arm. My eyes go wide but they seem not to be affected. Their blood drips on the symbol and our vision goes blury.

"What the hell?" I heard Simon mumble next to me. My vision clears and we are standing on a platform with a path that conects to a castle of sorts. My eyes grow with awe as we walk to the castle following Sean and Violet.

"Hury up boys." Sean says sternly. I speed up so I don't fall behind, Simon does the same. As I look around I notice demons are stairing at is but bowing as they see Violet. I focus on her for a moment and notice both her and Sean's clothes have changed. She now has tight black skinny jeans with a red weapons belt, a tight red T-shirt that said the same thing as her tank did, no jacket and red and black combat boots. Sean had black and gray army pattern pants, a tight black T-shirt that shows off his muscles, and combat boots. We walk down the path and towards the castle. One we get there a guard walks up to us.

"Princess, Sir.... It's good to have you back again. How was your time above?" He asked.

"It's to cold up there." Was Sean's response. I had noticed that it was a lot hotter here. Violet glared at Sean.

"I for one like it up there, my friends and family are up there." She stated. Sean rolled his eyes. The guard laughed softly but bowed and let us in. The inside of the castle left me awestruck, it had black marble floors with gold outlineing the tiles, black, red, and gold designs on the walls. Huge stair cases with red carpeting. I couldn't see into other rooms because the doors were shut but I could imagine what they would look like. Maids rushed towards us.

"Princess would you like anything? How about you Sir. Sean?" They asked and completely ignored us. It kind of ticked me off that they didn't respect our Alpha titles and put us first. They both said no. One of the maids looks at us and then back at Violet.

"Please excuse my asking. But why are they down here, only demons are aloud in the games. Also they don't seem to be hellhounds." She asked Violet making her laugh, the maid backed away slightly but relaxed when she realised Violet was just laughing.

"They are here to watch me in the games Lamia." Violet says and the maid nods, then bows amd walks away with he others. We continue to walk making turns every once in a while till we reached a huge set of doors. They were a dark oakwith gold trimmings and near the top in blood-red marbled letters KT said 'thrown room'. I looked at Simon who looks like he's about to shit his pants. I would have laughed if I wasn't feeling the same way right now. Violet confidently opens the door with out knocking. We walk through, me and Simon more cautiously then them. The man on the thrown, PR I'm guessing Satan or Violets dad was about to yell at us till he saw it was Violet, Sean and us. He gets up and walks over to us. He was wearing a black cape/robe with red outlines and a gold symbol of a devils horns with a satanic star around it.

"Hello darling, ready for the games?" He asked, his voice low but soft as he spoke to Violet.

"Yes dad, I am. I heard that I am getting a bigger dosage of wolfsbane." She said with a raised eyebrow. Satan nodded sadly and looked at the ground. Violet hugged him and he cheered up. He then looked at us and immediately composed him self, cleared his throat and put on a stern face.

"Sir. Simon and Alex are hear to watch the princess fght in the games." Sean said, his voice confidant and he looked at Satan strait in the eyes. Satan looked at us then back at Sean.

"Fine. They will stay in her games house. Don't let them make any chaos." His voice is now stern and has a rough almost angery undertone to it. Sean nods and we leave.

We arive at Violets house for the games, it's right next to a big arena that I'm guessing the games take place in. Her house is a good size not to big not to small. She shows us the rooms we will be in. I sit on my bed and look out the window there is a giant screen in the middle of the town that every deamon participating in the games house's are. The screen shows all of the participants, how much time spent training, who the trainer is, how old they are, who their family is, if they brought anyone with them, and how many times they have won. When Violet comes up it says:

"Princess Violet:
Trainer: Sir. Sean
Time spent training: 105,273 hours
Age: 19
Family: King Satan, Mrs. Moon goddess
Invites: Alpha Alex of the dragon fire pack, Simon of the bloodmoon pack
Times won: 11

'It says that we are Alpha but it doesn't say that for Simon. Do you think it's broken?' Leo's voice asked me. I agreed and told him I would ask Violet when I get the chance. Sean's voice came over the intercom system that runs throughout the house saying:

"Get to sleep, we have to be up early tomorrow in order to eat, get to the arena, the boys to get seats, and Violet to warm up and get injected. Also to see who in competing, there might be a screen that tells but the competing demons can't see it along with the trainers." He said that last part as if to answer the question in my head. I lay down and drift to sleep but am still of high alert as I am not used to being here.

(Hey guys! Hope you liked it! The voting for who Violet should be with will be up for a few more chapters. And the names of demons I will be using are really demons so go and search them up if you want. Anyways remember to comment it really helps!)

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