Author Note

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Hey readers, it's your author, Ninjamain, here with multiple questions and messages.


Let's start off with a big thanks to you all. This book could have not achieved over 140K views without you awesome people. It means a lot to me to see that people read and enjoy my work. Helps keep my writer's passion burning brightly. That brings me to my next topic.


Are the recent chapters or the story in general satisfying you all?

I want to put out quality and entertaining content for you all to read. It has been a while since I've requested feedback from the audience. Tell me your positives and negatives on the story. Especially the negatives. That's something I hope to fix or try to appeal better through my wants for the story.


The next topic is the comic relief. I love it and hate it at the same time. The R6S community is filled with a mix of memes and toxicity. However, I try to see the bright side on the bad stuff and show it here. (Damn sweaty pc players on casual oh my gurd....) So hopefully we could just share a laugh and maybe I made someone's day. Unfortunately, I feel like the comic relief sometimes interrupts the mood of the story. Let me know what you think.


Here's an important question: What are your thoughts on the relationship between (Y/n), Ash, and IQ?

You may think that development on Ash's relationship with (Y/n) may he lacking, but I assure you, things will escalate greatly soon. Still your commentary is appreciated.


Oh! New operators for siege are broken like the past ones before nerfed. However, I've seen too many people rage when there are ways to counter them. Still, Maverick's torch is more quiet than expected, so he really prevents defenders from anchoring down. Let's discuss how Clash looks like Nakia from Wakanda or how her battles with Montagne are EPIC.


About what's next. There are multiple ideas I have in store or already in the works. For example, my new R6S story coming soon. That is what I most likely will do as my next project, so you all have to let me know what kind of character you want to see.

My opinions and ideas are to have less OP protagonists and more conflict with their romantic pairing before actual romance. I want to have more of that harsh reality feel to the character's life. He will be unique, but is not the center of attention in the R6S universe, unlike Reaper (who is a BAMF to an extreme).

Plus there will be no White Mask. Almost all to every R6S story has the White Masks as the ultimate enemy. I feel like things will get repetitive and drab if there is always the same villain that does the same terroristic acts. The next story will have more spice and complications regarding politics. (Sounds too much like real life, I know sounds like crap, but bear with me.)

There will be a variety of conflicts like disease outbreaks, natural disasters, isolated terrorist attacks, and mob control. Perfect way to integrate operations like Outbreak or Grim Sky. It keeps variety and me to have more creative freedom.

If you're worried about the consistent plot and too much short story feel, don't worry. I have a whole master plot planned out for the next story. However, it may be tweaked a bit depending on what character you want for the next (Y/n) to be.

Some ideas of mine....
- RC from chapter published prior (Explosive Russian boi, hell yeah)

- Another light armor attacker character to be released (This would actually be a pretty cool character in the actual game)

- A life as a recruit (polar opposite to what I usually write, which is an OP character, would be neat)

Let me know what you all think. And thanks again for taking the time to read this and my story. You all are awesome. :)


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