Part 17: Mistaken destination

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'You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.'

-Albert Camus

The post meridian sun was glowing hot in sky and the poor carriage driver or the numerous gaurds on foot won't be lying if they said that today the sun was casting blazing embers down their way

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The post meridian sun was glowing hot in sky and the poor carriage driver or the numerous gaurds on foot won't be lying if they said that today the sun was casting blazing embers down their way.

The heat was unbearable and so to let a few wasps of air into the concealed wagon, Devika opened up the miniature porthole of a window and her eyes straight away caught his sight, riding on a shinning midnight black stallion.
Riding side by side with her carriage and unlike ever before, this afternoon he was indeed donning a look of a true prince. The golden embroidered cream coloured overcoat over his soft silk shirt and that royal turban sitting atop his head adding glory to his striking persona.

Infact everything about him was changed, except his most cherished curved sword that hung down his waistband as usual

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Infact everything about him was changed, except his most cherished curved sword that hung down his waistband as usual.

'She had once again witelessly accepted his offer, hadn't she?'

But it wasn't entirely her fault considering the fact that the darned prince was excelled at seduction!
He had asked her, if she believed him to have molested an young maiden and her answer had been 'no' But now there wasn't even an ounce of doubt left within her that he wouldn't need to stoop so low to warm his bed.
'Master of sex appeal wasn't he?'

And granted that his weakness lays between those limbs, it would be no surprise if he had indeed laid with her.

Her lips curled up in disdain and anger, now that the haze of passion and desire was clearing away, the reasons and consequences of her earlier perceptions and contemporary desicions were raising their heads back, one after another.

Her unbroken outstaring at his back must have cautioned him somehow, since he suddenly glanced back and caught her eye, which followed his audacious telltale smile despite the hundred and one onlookers that witnessed the exchange.

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