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Dear Diary,

            The phrase "Can things get any worse?" just got worse.

            I thought being back home would be a good thing. I thought there might be a sense of comfort in it. But it sucks. Becoming a vampire has changed me, but it hasn't changed much here. I so badly want to tell people that there's so much more than prom and parties and stupid hookups and broken hearts. There's a whole world out there they know nothing about.

            Yet they all look at me like I'm the crazy one. Rumors have spread, ones I hate to even think about. They all think I ran away. That I couldn't handle Newberry. That I was just some stupid broken girl whose mom left her years ago and who couldn't commit to a relationship. God, little they know.

            Something crazy is happening here. They're all under some influence none of us can reach. Whoever left us that note and blew up Angelina's car with Chris inside knows something. Maybe they're behind it. What do we know?

            And then there's the Hunters out there working on that stupid cure. My mother wanting me human just like her. But I don't want to be like her. Being a vampire might be the best and worst thing that ever happened to me.

            I'm not giving up so easily. 

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