The Stowaway

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            "Dear God," Victor said as we stumbled into the house carrying about five shopping bags on each arm. "Did you clear out the mall?"

            Angelina giggled, dropping hers ungracefully on the floor. She pulled out a low cut dress covered in lace. "Don't worry, Vic." She winked at him. "This one's for you."

            Angelina had insisted on a new wardrobe--something about not having a enough clothes for school though she still had a closet-full all with the price tags still on them. But I couldn't argue, especially considering she bought half of mine as a "Congrats! You're no longer a Newborn! Now let me borrow this sometime."

            When I asked her where she got all the money, she pressed a finger to her lips and said, "If I tell you, I'd have to stake you."

            We also unspokenly considered the trip a way for Val to get out of the house. She hadn't said much throughout the day, but I could see the hint of a smile on her face in response to Angelina considering a dress I tried on too "matronly".

            She shoved her hands in her pockets now and backed up towards the staircase. "I'm going to go take a shower."

            Angelina glanced at the clock but just gave a polite smile in response. "Alright then. Don't be long. I want have a little fashion show later when the others get home."  

            Val nodded and made her way upstairs where I knew she would stay as long as she possibly could. Getting her out the house seemed like a miracle, but there was no yes in succeeding a second time.

            I looked around the quiet house, Victor seeming to be the only one. William had come back later the night before only to leave this morning without much of a glance in my direction. Another reason the shopping trip was much needed.

            "Where's everyone else?" I asked.

            Victor shared a quick glance with Angelina. "Out."

            I'm not stupid, I wanted to tell him. And I knew when was lying to me. "Really?" I raised an eyebrow. "Liv and Hanson, I'm not surprised, no matter how much I hate it the thought of her being out with him. Jane and Luke..." I licked my lips, pushing the thoughts far away. "What about Derek? Where could he possibly have gone?"

            Victor shrugged as Angelina fidgeted as if about to burst. "Why would I know?" Victor went on, keeping his voice even, like someone fairly equipped in withholding the truth. "I've barely spoken to the guy. And he's a grown man. He can do whatever the hell we wants."

            I remembered Charlotte and Derek's ties with the Hunter party. Sure as hell did whatever he want. Even if it meant lying. He'd done it for years--to himself, his own son, everyone around him. Why not continue the tradition?

            "He went to the Hunter compound, didn't he?"

            Victor avoided my eyes. "I can neither confirm nor deny that accusation." He held up a stalling hand as I jumped to speak. "But I can say that he's doing whatever he may be doing for a reason. He's a built soldier, Ava, always fighting for a cause."

            I shook my head, my jaw holding furiously tense. "A cause that ends with me. One that I should be a part of. I'm not playing hero anymore.You all have pushed me off to the side like some freaking damsel!"

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