Chapter 20

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"'s me again. You've been MIA for like 3 days now." I laughed half-heartedly. "So...yeah. Call me back when you get the chance. It's Vivian, case you didn't know...okay, bye."

I pressed the end button and slumped on the sofa. I blew air to move a stray piece of hair out of my face, but of course, with my luck it merely causes more hair to fall from my horrible knot of a bun. Forcefully, I pushed my hair back and leaned forward with my elbows on my knees. I had my face in my hands while I stared into nothing.

Why wouldn't he pick up? Did I do something wrong?

Mmm, no. I don't remember ever doing something to upset him. And that "almost kiss." What was that? I've been thinking about it nonstop, and I can't get my head around it. Maybe he was just close or trying to hug me or maybe he tripped and ended up in my space. Okay, yeah that's ridiculous.

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. Then what is it?

I was brought out my reverie when I heard the sound of the door opening and closing. Steven had been working over hours the past few nights.

I'm glad he was able to transfer to the New York HQ. I know it wasn't the center of all things NASCAR, so I'm happy he's been putting in so much effort. Even all the late night cravings. He would get up at 3 in the morning just to get me cream puffs and ice cream.

He really was something special.

"Hey." he took off his schnazzy business coat and laid it over the couch.

"Hi there, long day?" I got up and picked up his coat to put away.

"Sorry, I'll put it up."

I pulled away. "No, it's fine. I got it. I'm pregnant, not disabled."

He smiled half-heartedly. "I know, I just want to make sure you're not put under any stress. That's my kid in there and I'll be sure this whole thing transitions smoothly."

"Well, aren't you sweet?" I pecked him on the cheek.

"Oh, and Richard should be coming in a couple minutes."

The sound of his name caused me to pause. "Oh, really?"

"Yep, said he was dropping off some stuff for the baby."

"And why would would we need him to do anything for our baby?" I immediately got on defense.

"Whoa," he raised his hands in surrender, "calm down, tiger. I'm sure Lilian and Thomas just bought more stuff and he's playing delivery boy."

"We can pick it up oursleves. Who says we need him to-"

"Ey, it's Richard. Open the door." he knocked.

Steven walked to the door, pulling his tie loose. "Be nice, yea? I don't know what's going on, but let's keep all conflict aside."

He opened the door and all I see is a big brown box. Oh, so the idiot couldn't at least wait for the door to open.

Before I could finish my thoughts on how much of a coward he is, Rich came bolting up the stairs out of breath. He had four bags in each hand. "Sorry about that, I had to make a second trip."

"It's fine." Steven said before I could comment. "We appreciate your parents buying all this stuff."

"Even though we don't need nor want your help." I added.

Steven sighed and Rich looked my way blankly.

"Richard, why don't you help Vivs with dinner and I'll put the stuff in the backroom." Steven suggested.

"I actually have plans-"

"That wasn't really a question." Steven quickly picked up the box and walked away.

"So..." Richard nervously said, "what's for dinner?"


I was chopping some carrots viciously while Rich just stood in the center of the kitchen awkwardly.

"You need some help?"

I raised the knife and directed it towards the bread loaf on the counter.

Rich jumped when he saw my arm raise, but relaxed when I didn't attack him. Even though I should.

While he sliced the bread, I dumped the carrots in the boiling water. I needed the potatoes. Which were in the fridge. By him.

I quickly walked over and grabbed what I needed, being sure to avoid any contact with him. I might've huffed when I slammed the fridge door shut for emphasis. I'll just ignore him. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

Keeping these stress levels down.

"Look, Viv, I'm sorry. I know I've been avoiding you and I just don't know what I was thinking. It's just all the stress with Alise and the wedding. I needed a breather and-"

"So I was just some play thing while you relieved your stress?"

"Yes. No! No, that's not what I-"

"Of course! Vivian will always be there when I need a booty call." I mocked.

"Wait, whoa. Okay that's not-"

"And don't get me started on how you sent me to L.A. alone. A note, really? That's how you tell me. How brave of you."

'C'mon, Viv. That was like months ago. And I said I was sorry already."

I scoffed. "Oh, please. You're probably just putting up with me. I'm just that girl you can always depend on. I get your coffee every morning, I go to the dinner with your parents, I sow your suits on a discounted rate, I even put up with all your whores. But now that I'm pregnant, you hate me because I can't do those things anymore."

I was crying by the time my little speech was finished. And I mean, all out crying. The ugly kind. "I'm so ugly you didn't even want to kiss me! I'm just-just plain."

I felt a pair of arms engulf me. I wasn't really aware of who it was but at the moment, I didn't really care.

But then I heard his distinct voice.

"I'll be leaving now."

I heard the front door shut softly and I fried even harder. How come the moron couldn't slam it so I could at least get some ounce of emotion from him? I felt Steven calmly wipe my tears away and kiss my forehead.

"We're gonna make it through this. With or without him."

I simply nodded. But what if I didn't want to make it without him?


"I'm sorry." I sat on the bed.

"You don't have to apologize, Vivian. I undertsand. You love him."

"I'm dumping all of this on you. So yes, I do need to apologize. If it weren't for this baby then you wouldn't be here. You'd be living your life."

"I don't regret anything." he strode over to me and bent down at his knees, massaging my fat belly.

"Not one thing. I don't regret meeting you. I don't regret recklessly hitting on you at that fashion show. I don't regret making this baby with you, and it was a fun process." he smiled.

I smiled back. "How do you always know what to say? I'm glad you're here with me."

His eyes grew solemn. "The one thing I will never regret, Vivian, is falling in love with you."


"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about."

"New love is so beautiful. Time just makes it ugly."

The Player's Best Friend (Completed!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora