Self-Love 💖

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22 Ways to Practice Self-Love

1. Don't try to change so that someone else will love you. Change so that you can be more in love with yourself.

2. Discover something new about yourself. Try a new food, place, or type of music, see if you like it!

3. Pick one day this week to have a morning/afternoon/evening devoted completely to yourself.

4. When you feel uncomfortable about something or someone, acknowledge it, don't push it aside. Create boundaries.

5. Don't spend so much time trying to work on and improve your weaknesses, that you forget to honor and appreciate your strengths.

6. Don't bury your emotions, if you want to cry, cry, if you want to be angry, then be angry. Honor your emotions enough to feel them.

7. Acknowledge your effort. See that you have done your best, even if you have failed to produce tangible results.

8. Nurture your dreams, even if they don't seem possible right now, it doesn't mean they won't ever happen. Reach for them.

9. Have a cup of tea in bed, relax, and read a good book.

10. Give yourself Sanctuary Time. Relax, meditate.

11. Make plans to watch the sunrise/set and let yourself bathe in the energy.

12. Write yourself a love letter. Have a love affair with yourself. Make loving you a priority. You deserve it.

13. Take a nice, hot, relaxing bath when you get stressed.

14. Tune out the people who like to tell you what you are and who you are. Discover those things for yourself.

15. See your mistakes as valuable lessons. Those mistakes deepen your wisdom.

16. Wear something today that makes you feel confident and sexy. Develop your own sense of style.

17. Re-evaluate your spirituality. Are you happy with where you are and what you believe? Do something today to spiritually nourish yourself.

18. Go outside and get some sun. Watching the beauty of nature can be so healing and soothing.

19. Pick one fear that you have, just an itty bitty one, and work on being unafraid.

20. Pay attention to how you treat your friends. Look at how you treat yourself. Make sure you're being kind to yourself as well.

21. When you are angry or upset (with yourself or others) try responding lovingly and see how it changes the situation.

22. Remind yourself that everything about you is sacred. You are a part of the Universe, the stars, the moon, the sun, don't treat yourself as anything less.

I am mine.
before I am anyone else's.


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